Want To Know The Will of God?

I am sure you have heard it said before from a friend, spouse, or any other Christian you may know. In fact, I would bet you have said it yourself…recently! The statement, “I just want to know the will of God!” is a common one among Christians.

know the will of God

We Want To Know The Will Of God!

As Christian business owners and leaders, we are constantly coming upon situations in which we need to know the will of God about something. We want to know what direction He wants us to take, which job or applicant to choose, or how long to wait on an answer before moving ahead!

We pray, we ask mentors, and we read the Bible – all in an effort to know the will of God in our lives.

Something Missing

Yet, in many cases, there seems to be something wrong. We don’t always get the answer we seek. Sometimes we get what we think are conflicting answers. Then there are times we do not seem to get any answer at all!

We end up pulling our hair out in frustration because we think we are doing all we can do to know the will of God, but we do not feel we are making any progress. We feel stuck, confused, and exhausted – and without the answer we seek.

Similar Feeling?

In an effort to recreate this feeling, I want you to try to imagine you are in an outdoor scouting competition. In order to win the competition, you have to follow the instructions given to you and your team as they lead you to the specific location designated for your team.

Your instructions look like this – From the starting line, take 25 steps North, 30 steps West, 24 steps North, and then 18 steps East. In addition to these instructions, your team is given a compass. All of the other teams have been given a compass and similar instructions to a different designated location.

Given clear weather and no other obstacles, how do you think you would do? While most people have never been trained how to use a compass in survival situations, I think most have a general idea of how a compass works, right? Could you manage this exercise?

Here’s A Twist

Now, to throw in a twist, let’s assume your team was given additional instructions along with a magnet the size of a nickel. The additional instructions indicate that your team is to attach the magnet to the side of your compass with the tape provided.

You are instructed to attach the magnet before your team uses the compass to determine any direction. Once attached, the magnet is to remain in place until the competition is completed.


Now, if you know anything about how a compass operates, you are likely confused. Why would anyone instruct you to attach a magnet to the compass? That makes no sense, right?

I agree. However, just for the sake of the illustration, let’s play it out.

Because a compass operates on an attraction to the earth’s magnetic north pole, attaching another magnet is only going to alter the direction of the compass needle. In this case, you would never find the correct location designated for your team.

Frustration Ensues

Instead, you would find yourself in full blown frustration while the altered compass led you in circles as the needle reacted to the additional influence of the attached magnet!

If your team was the only one given the additional instructions for the attached magnet, then your team would clearly lose the competition. However, can you picture the scene if nearly all of the other teams had magnets attached to their compasses? Chaos, right?

Only the team(s) who were allowed to seek their designated location without the influence of an additional magnet would have a chance to win. To them, your wandering would seem silly.

To Be Continued

Because I am out of space (ha!), I am going to wait until my next post to clarify the points I am trying to make in regards to how we can know the will of God…remember, that is where we started!

In the meantime, I would like you to think through this exercise and its implications. Get a magnet and compass if you need to – play with them and pray that God will reveal to you how this applies to you and your relationship with Him!

Can you connect the exercise to trying to know the will of God?

If so, what is your personal magnet?

How does Proverbs 4:10-11 fit this exercise?

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