Why Do You Get Out Of Bed?

This is not the first time you have heard this question. It will not be the last. I guess the real question is whether you can quickly answer it or not. If you are given no time to think about it or wordsmith a response, how would you answer the question, “Why do you get out of bed?”


More Than Meets The Eye

Obviously, there is a lot more depth to this question than meets the eye. This question demands more than a shallow, off-the-cuff answer. This question is not really about getting out of bed at all.

Instead, this question really drives at what drives you.

Some would give an answer relating to their family. Others might respond with something to do with making a living. There are also those who would say that their hunger for fame or power is what gets them out of bed.

Too Many Have No Clue

Unfortunately, there are entirely too many people – even leaders – that have never thought about their answer to this question. Too many people are going through their days without any real direction or purpose in their actions.

I hate to say it, but this is a serious problem – more than most realize.

Please understand what I am NOT saying. I am NOT saying that people who cannot answer this question are lost or doing bad stuff. I am NOT saying they are lazy or worthless. I am NOT saying that those of us who can answer the question are any smarter or better than those who cannot.

Untapped Potential!

I AM saying that if you cannot yet answer this question succinctly without laboring over it, then you have a tremendous amount of untapped potential! I AM saying that someone who knows his or her reason for getting out of bed everyday is much more productive and impactful than those who do not.

As I said at the beginning of the post, most everyone has heard this question before. So why is it that so many cannot answer it?

Stop And Think

I think the bottom line is that they have not stopped long enough to think about it. This is not the kind of answer you come up with at a traffic light or over lunch with a friend.

Your individual answer to this question is something you have to stop and dig deep to figure out. You may think you know the answer, but you are unable to put it into words. You might not even have a clue.

Whatever the case, I believe it is imperative that you figure out your own personal answer to why you get out of bed everyday. In fact, determining your answer is just the beginning!

Why YOU Get Out Of Bed

Once you have your answer – your “Why?” – you will start to notice how many of your interests and activities either do not support your answer or even oppose it altogether! As you start to notice these discrepancies, you will have some choices to make.

Are you going to continue pursuing activities that do not support your very reason for getting out of bed everyday? Are you willing to cut these activities? Are you committed enough to your “Why?” to make the tough decisions and accept the ripple effects.

Be Courageous!

If you are courageous enough to fully embrace your answer and make the necessary pruning decisions in order to achieve it, then you will be amazed at the results. While you used to get sporadic results that gave you true fulfillment in your heart, you will now begin to see much more consistent results like this.

Obviously, this true fulfillment is going to depend on the answer you give. If your answer is more related to your income, career, fame, etc. then you will be disappointed in the lack of true fulfillment. If, on the other hand, your “Why?” is focused on God and His will, then I think you will be amazed at how you feel His pleasure!

Seek God’s Help

I encourage you to take some time to get alone with God. Ask Him to help you determine your reason for getting out of bed. Ask Him to guide you in this process. He is faithful.

As for me, here is my answer:

Do everything in my power, today and every day, to invest my God-given resources in such a way as to impact the most people I can for eternity and eventually hear Jesus tell me, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

Because I like visuals, I have a mental image that helps me with this purpose. To read more about this, check out THIS POST.

Do you already know why you get out of bed?

If not, when are you going to stop and think about it?

If so, are you aligning your activities and pursuits with this “Why”?

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