Have You Hit A Dry Spell?

I am a couple months shy of my two year mark for this blog and for the most part, have yet to struggle for content ideas. For some reason, God has continued to provide thoughts, insights, and ideas on a regular basis that have turned into an average of three posts per week for almost 100 weeks so far! Unfortunately, I have now hit a dry spell and I am having a hard time writing posts!

dry spell

Dry Spell

Some of you noticed the frequency of my posts declining and have mentioned it to me. Others of you may have noticed, but have not said anything…maybe you see it as a break! Regardless, the dry spell has been going on for several weeks now and it has been bothering me. I have not yet said anything about it in a post, but it has been eating at me and I could not figure it out.

Reasons For The Dry Spell?

My first thought was that business was taking up too much of my energy and that I needed to work to correct that imbalance. While that may be somewhat true, I have come to realize that is not the main culprit.

Next, I thought that maybe I was in a dry spell because the blog has just run its course. Maybe it was only for a season and now it was coming to an end. While I was not excited about that thought, I had to consider it. Nothing is sacred if it is no longer something God wants me doing.

Finally, I began to think I just wasn’t trying hard enough. Maybe I was not drinking enough coffee before sitting down to write. It could even be that I needed to change my surroundings when I write. The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I got.

The Truth!

Just when I was about to give up, I came all the way back to the truth – where I started in the beginning. In fact, if you are having a dry spell in your own situation, you need to come back to this very same place.

As I said at the beginning of this post, God was giving me the material for this blog. If you have ever commented to me about the impact these posts have had on you, then you have heard me clearly state that I am not the one to take the credit. In fact, I have done my best to just stay out of God’s way as I write.

The truth is that God has been giving me this material AS I HAVE SOUGHT HIM. During my quiet times, periods of study and Bible reading, and my intake of other spiritual books and articles, God has pricked my heart and allowed me to see how certain situations can be used for material in this blog.

Seeking Him

Sure, many of my posts come right out of my experiences in our business. At the same time, these experiences have only been converted into posts because I have seen them through the lens of seeking Him!

When the posts have flowed most easily, it has been because I have been in a time of spiritual growth or reflection due to hearing from God through something I have read or heard. When I have even slightly struggled, it has been because my eyes or ears were not entirely tuned into His voice.

Root Cause Is Me!

So I say all that to say this…my dry spell is directly due to my lack of spiritual focus recently. I have not abandoned my quiet times lately, but they have not been sacred. I have allowed other things to interfere or distract me during the time I have allotted to spending time with God. I have not been learning. I have not been focused on feeding myself on the Word – and it shows.

I am assuming you have likely experienced this yourself. I also bet that, like me, you have gone through a list of other possible causes before you finally came back to the truth. Our dry spell experiences normally arise out of a lack of intimacy with Jesus, even though we often want to place the blame on something (or someone) else. The truth is that we are the ones at fault.

When Peter took his eyes off of Jesus, he got all wet!

The opposite is true for us…we get dry!

Fortunately, God is willing to rehydrate us! (Isaiah 44:3)

Ending The Dry Spell

While I am frustrated at myself for allowing this to happen, I am determined not to allow it to continue any longer. I know I will likely not jump right back into the depths with Him tomorrow – it will probably take a while. At the same time, I am willing to stick it out until I find that close communication again.

Blog or no blog, I simply cannot live without it!

What about your dry spells? Do you see the cause?

What methods have you used to end your dry spells?

What advice would you give someone to help avoid this?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are snarky, offensive, or off-topic. If in doubt, read My Comments Policy.