A God-Honoring Decision Making Process, Pt 2

If you are a Christian business owner or leader, then you have faced situations where you had to make a decision. This simply comes with the job. Unfortunately, many of us are not trained in the skill of decision making. Everyone assumes we should know how to do this – no training necessary, right?

decision making

Decision Making – A Critical Skill

I would have to argue with that assumption. I would say that decision making is a critical skill that requires experience, knowledge, wisdom, and a whole host of other qualities that we should have as leaders.

So what are we to do if we face decision making situations where we do not feel qualified? What about those situations where we DO feel qualified, but we want God to lead us? How do we handle these various decision making opportunities? Is there a class we can take?

5 Decision Making Questions

Well, there may be a class, but I think I have something that will give you some help until you find the class. I have a set of five questions (and supporting questions) that I believe will give you a head start toward making those God-honoring decisions you desire to make. These questions come from an excellent C12 segment.

In my last post, I gave you the first question. Hopefully you found some value in that one. In this post, I want to tackle the next two questions on the list.

Question #2

Will this decision benefit your first ministry priorities?

These are your personal relationship and time with God, your spouse, your children, and others in need. Overall, will your ministry effectiveness in relationships outside the business be enhanced? What about inside the business?

First Things First

I love the way this question begins by asking how this decision will affect our own personal relationship and time with God! Frankly, if it stopped right there it might be enough for us to ask.

Folks, if you are considering a decision that you know will take you away from or limit your time with God, then there is no need to go further in this process. Run from that choice!

Other Relationships?

What about the time and relationship with your family? This is not only critical to ask as it relates to your family as a whole, but your spouse and children individually as well. Some decisions we consider may be destructive of our family relationships while other decisions may only interrupt these relationships for a time. We must be honest with ourselves as we determine the impact and consequences.

Finally, this question asks about how the decision will effect our ministry inside and outside of the business. If one is limited for the sake of increasing the other, maybe that is okay. If both are decreased for the sake of something temporal, maybe not.

Question #3

Will you be violating Scriptural principles?

For example, will you be entering an ‘unequally yoked’ situation or being tempted by lust, greed, or pride? What spiritual dangers are inherent in this decision? Why are you undertaking it…really?!?

Enlist Help!

The first two parts of this question (Scriptural principles & spiritual dangers) are more often fairly easy to determine as long as you are steeped in Scripture. If you are not, then you need to run this by someone who is. Skipping over these parts of the question because you don’t know one way or the other is simply asking for trouble. Don’t do it!

As for the last part (Why?), this can be tough. Discerning our own root motives is difficult at best, even impossible at times. This is when it is crucial to have someone you trust to help you. An accountability partner or a spouse can often shed light on areas or ask follow up questions that will help you to see the truth in your heart.

While this decision making process is much more effective when we check our motives with someone else, you may not always have that person available for help. In those cases, while praying through it, you do the best you can to identify the root motive.

Increase The Odds!

Again, every situation in your decision making situations will be different. I cannot possibly cover every scenario. All I want you to get from this decision making process is a set of questions that raise the critical issues so you do not overlook anything. If all of the issues are raised and all perspectives considered (again – while praying through it), then your decision making is likely to produce better results.

Would recent decisions have changed if you had asked these questions earlier?

What decisions are you facing that need to be run through this process?

Who is your go-to person for help with Godly decisions?

Photo by pavel_klimenko/iStock

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