10 Pitfalls To Running A Christian Business

Have you prayed about how you are to run your business?  Have you sought God with intensity on the question of running your business for Him?  If not, I would suggest you not read any further until you do. The pitfalls I describe below will not help you with your decision until you have prayed about this.

pitfallsI know I am probably breaking several “Rules for a Successful Blog” when I tell you not to read further, but I cannot help it.  If you think you can get enough information on which to make a solid decision in this area without first seeking God in prayer, then you are mistaken.  In fact, if you simply look at the facts through your own eyes, you will almost certainly decide against running your business this way.

Praying and Thinking

If you are still reading, then I assume you have prayed (and continue to do so) about this decision.  You may have read my posts on the 5 Reasons to Run Your Business According to Your Christian Faith.  It makes sense to you, but you are still not sure whether you should proceed or not.  Good.  I am glad you are thinking about it.  I want you to think about it.

As with any major decision, I believe we are to go to God’s Word.  What does the Bible have to say about making a major decision like this?

For which of you, wanting to build a tower, doesn’t first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?  Otherwise, after he has laid the foundation and cannot finish it, all the onlookers will begin to make fun of him, saying, ‘This man started to build and wasn’t able to finish.
Luke 14:28-30

Count the Costs

I will tell you, from my personal experience, that this decision is bigger than it even looks.  There are pitfalls, and benefits, that you have not even thought of.  It is just not what it appears.  Therefore, as Jesus taught in this Scripture, we must count the costs.

I realize that your experience in making this decision, and then implementing it, will not necessarily mirror my own experience.  At the same time, because I have already been through this process, I can share about my journey.  My hope is that I can help you avoid, or at least be prepared for, the following pitfalls (as well as those not listed!).

I will give you the list of pitfalls like Solomon might have done it in Proverbs.  Here are ten pitfalls of running a Christian business, eleven hazards you will face when basing your business on your Christian faith…

The Pitfalls

First of all, this is not an exhaustive list.  Secondly, I believe the benefits outweigh these pitfalls!

Now, some of these are self explanatory and some require further clarification.  While I will not do a continuous series of eleven posts on these pitfalls, I will take each of these topics and expand on them in the coming weeks and months.  I hope you will follow along and participate in the discussion as we go.

Do you disagree with any of the above?

Are you truly praying for God’s will in your business?

Are you willing to give it to Him despite the apparent costs?

This post originally published on 9/9/11.

Celebrating This Blog’s Six Months Anniversary!

six months

Six Months Anniversary

Incredibly (to me!), it has now been a full six months since I started this blog. A lot has happened in the past six months. I am really excited about all I have learned and the people I have met. If you had described all of it to me last fall, I would have called you crazy!

I have to be honest. When I set out to do this blog, I was not sure how many people would actually read it or get anything out of it. I certainly did not expect to get much exposure outside of my immediate circle of influence.

My Purpose

From the beginning, here was my purpose:


    I have started a new blog called Christian Faith At Work. I am writing it to business owners and leaders who are trying to figure out how to integrate their Christian faith into their businesses.
    By including the resources I have accumulated over the past eight years of learning to use my business as a vehicle for ministry, as well as real-life examples from my experiences, I will teach the readers how to run their business from an eternal perspective.
    They will not only learn from the resources I have gathered, but they can also interact with someone who is actually doing it, learning from my mistakes and victories.


I knew this purpose resonated with me, but I did not really believe it would do so with others. However, as you will see in the stats below, I was wrong! I want you to know how much I appreciate all of the encouragement and feedback you have given me over the months. I have truly enjoyed the time and would not trade it for anything. I look forward to the coming months (and hopefully, years!).


Below, I have listed some of the incredible statistics that have accumulated during the six months since I started at the end of August 2011.

six months

When I consider some of the popular blogs that I read myself, I know these stats are not that impressive. However, I am still proud of what God has done here in such a short period of time. If anyone reading this right now is considering doing something similar, I want to encourage you to start! If I can get here, so can you!

Top Posts

Below, I have listed the ten most popular posts from the past six months.

1. Why I decided to walk away from the family business…

2. Pursue The Gifts You Have, Not The One’s You Want

3. Reason 2 (of 5) to Run Your Business According To Your Christian Faith

4. 10 Warning signs you are NOT a good leader – part 1

5. Taking Action – Owners Manuals For Life!

6. Why Acknowledge Christ In Christmas?

7. Reconcile And Forgive Immediately!

8. “Go Make Yourself Useful!”

9. How To Create A Life Plan Document

10. Do You Have A Strategic Plan…For Ministry?

Once again, I want to thank all of you that read this blog. I am enjoying it and I hope you are getting something out of it, too!

Do you have a favorite post listed above (or even one that is not)?

What about your own blog…what was your top post?

If you are thinking of starting something similar, what is holding you back?

My Top Posts For 2011

In case you missed any of these, I thought I would share my top posts for 2011.


1. Why I Decided To Walk Away From The Family Business…

    This one is close to my heart because it is truly what started all of this. Interestingly enough, this post received almost three times as much traffic as #2. It was certainly a turning point in my life – one I will never forget.

2. Reason 2 of 5 To Run Your Business According To Your Christian Faith

    In this post, I look at how the Greatest Commandment(s) relate to our business purposes. This really hits at the core of what drives my efforts in business.

3. Pursue The Gifts You Have, Not The Ones You Want!

    This is a great post about embracing our God-given gifts. This post received more comments than any of the others on this list.

4. Why Acknowledge Christ In Christmas?

    As a result of a friend sharing a video with me, I ran a Christ-centered TV ad leading up to Christmas. I posted about this video and the bigger issue of acknowledging Christ in Christmas.

5. Taking Action: Owners Manual For Life!

    Here I describe one of the various methods our company employs to do ministry in the course of doing business. I also explained how I was heeding my own advice to just take action!

6. “Go Make Yourself Useful!”

    Jim Collins heard these words from Peter Drucker many years ago, but they have stuck with him. If you read about the context of the conversation, I believe you will feel the same!

7. 10 Reasons For An Exit Interview (With Purpose)

    Many leaders fail to execute exit interviews on a consistent basis. In this post, I share some reasons for a Christian business leader to reconsider this practice.

8. Reconcile And Forgive Immediately!

    This was the fifth post in a series on character issues for leaders. I confessed my own struggles in this area as well.

9. Why Do You Need An Inner Circle?

    Without a doubt, my inner circle has had more influence on my growth than any other system I have put in place. I strongly recommend you do the same.

10. What is Christian Ministry?

    This sounds like an easy question, but I believe too many people have the wrong answer to it. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Did any of these impact you?

What was your favorite? Why?

What was the top post on your blog?

Vision Leaks

The material for the following post comes directly from the chapter titled “Vision Leaks” in the book by Bill Hybels called Axiom.

vision leaks

Tell Them Again?

I told my wife that I loved her on my wedding day. Do I need to keep telling her after that? I told my children when they turned 10 years old that I expect them to participate in the household chores. Should I have to tell them again? I am sure you have your own examples of similar situations. This is especially true in a Christian business. The bottom line is that vision leaks!

Vision Leaks

Imagine that everybody in your company has a bucket and you have poured your vision for them into that bucket. The bucket is now full of your vision. That should be enough, right? There should be no need for further filling. You should be able to move on to the next idea, right?

Wrong. You see, those buckets leak! They leak vision from small holes in the bottom. They lose vision from people running around and spilling your vision wherever they go. Whether you like it or not, that one-time filling of their bucket is not enough. For them to keep enough vision in their buckets to stay on track, you are going to have to constantly refill and top off their buckets.

You may think that is unfair. You may think that is someone else’s job. You may even find your own bucket leaking and cannot see how you can possibly have enough to spare. Regardless, the filling must go on if the vision is to continue.

Vision Opposition in a Christian Business

This is especially true in a Christian business. Unfortunately, the vision of a Christian business is in direct opposition to normal business vision. While traditional businesses look at the monthly, quarterly, or even annual picture, the Christian business considers the eternal picture. While traditional business considers the benefit of the stockholders, a Christian business considers the benefit of everyone with whom it comes into contact. When your vision is so opposed to the normal mindset, it is even more prone to leak.

Prevent Empty Buckets

So let’s take a look at some ways to prevent empty buckets.

1. Acknowledge that vision leaks. If you do not first acknowledge that leakage is a problem, then you will never go any further to correct it.

2. Accept responsibility. If you do not accept responsibility for the maintaining the vision buckets, then no one will. If you cast the vision, you must maintain it.

3. Assess the leakage. Take the time to ask your leaders about their current grasp of the vision. Ask people on the front lines about their focus. It will likely become very clear fairly quickly where the vision levels currently stand. Keep in mind, this is not a one-time thing. Due to continuous leakage, this is an ongoing responsibility.

4. Overcommunicate the vision. Use various methods to do this, but do it. Tailor your message to the audience you are addressing. You should use different language and examples when talking to your top leadership versus your entry level employees. At the same time, maintain high expectations for both. Here are some examples of some ways to communicate your vision.

  • Regular articles in the company newsletter
  • Monthly devotions to all employees with vision topics
  • Monthly lunch & learn meetings with Bible based videos
  • Targeted messages at company gatherings
  • Vision-based recognition awards

5. Recognize “Heroes” of the vision. Catch employees doing things that fit the vision and publicly praise them for it. Give them a small token gift or reward for their actions. Encourage others to follow their example!

6. Spread the vision DNA. This is especially more critical as your company grows beyond a handful of employees. As growth happens, you cannot be in enough places at once to maintain the vision on your own. You must appoint DNA carriers to help you spread it. These are people that are completely bought in to your vision and can teach it to others. Charge them with helping you keep the buckets full. However, keep in mind that DNA carriers still have leaky buckets as well!

7. Keep your own bucket full. While you are likely the person carrying the bucket with the fewest leaks, you cannot assume your bucket will always stay full. You must schedule time alone on a regular basis for the purpose of refilling your own bucket. From daily quiet times to quarterly retreats, there are various ways to accomplish this. Whatever your method, just make sure you do it!

How do you keep the vision buckets full in your company?

When is the last time you refilled your own bucket?

What action step should you take right now to strengthen your company’s vision?

Do You Have A Thanksgiving Chair?

I am taking the rest of the weekend off from my normal posting, but I wanted to share a powerful video, Thanksgiving Chair, that I saw at church this past Sunday. Take a look and see what you think…

We need to follow Paul’s advice in 1 Thessalonians 5:18,

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

We also need to teach the next generation to do the same!

Show them the Thanksgiving chair!

Thank you for reading! Have a great Thanksgiving!

Do you have a Thanksgiving chair?

Do you always give thanks in all circumstances?

If so, how do you remember to do so?

Take Action (Now)!

take actionDid you read my post from Wednesday, Taking Action: Owner’s Manual for Life?

If not, why not?
Stop right now and go read it.

I will be right here waiting on you. Go ahead…I mean it!


Okay, now that you have read my post on Taking Action, I bet you have some observations. You probably do. In fact, I am almost sure that everyone reading this right now has some questions or comments about Wednesday’s post. Some of you are wondering which Bible translation we are using. Some of you think the cover was a little on the cheesy side. Others are probably doing the math on $1.50 a piece for roughly 2,500 books.

Regardless of your thoughts, I want you to put them on hold for a moment. In case you missed the following weaknesses in my post, I want to point out a few more for you!

My Observations

First, did you notice that I said we were still working on the details of the process for all of the people that will be involved in making this happen? Did you happen to see that I am not yet sure of the text on the stickers that will go on the inside cover? Finally, did it register with you that I did not go into much detail about how we would answer the phone calls? I also left out how we would track any responses to somehow gauge our results.

So, why am I pointing this out? What is my point?

Plan or Take Action?

Seth Godin talks about how we should “ship” a product before it is perfect or before we know absolutely that it will succeed. According to Godin, what usually keeps us from doing this is resistance. Whether this resistance is a fear of failure, criticism, or rejection, or maybe an overactive need for perfection, we too often give in to it and fail to take action!

Sometimes planning can delay our decision to take action. I am NOT saying that we should not plan. We should! I did a whole series on Strategic Ministry Planning. However, in certain situations, it may make the most sense just to pull the trigger and go into action.

Catalyst for Action

In an effort to blow through this barrier in our business, I posted Wednesday about our “decision” to move forward with the Owner’s Manuals For Life idea. What you don’t know is that my post was so vague in the details I mentioned above because none of those details had been determined! Our team had agreed to the idea, but had not taken any real action. I used that post as a catalyst to move us forward to take action!

I called my brother (and partner in the business) this afternoon to find out when we could have the first shipment of New Testaments. He responded, “Well, according to your post Wednesday, I guess I should already have them!” We laughed, but then took the next three minutes to determine our next steps to move this project forward. No meeting necessary. We simply decided how to take action!

I believe our first New Testaments will begin leaving out of here in gloveboxes in the next ten days (depending on shipping)! I will keep you posted!

Where do you need to take action?

What resistance are you allowing to slow you down?

When are you going to decide enough is enough?

The #1 FREE Resource For Christian Business Leaders

free resourceI have a deal for you! With all of the incredible resources available to leaders by way of the internet, do you have trouble determining which one is the best? If you will bear with me until the end, I will show you how to get the #1 FREE resource for Christian business leaders.

This is not a trick and it is certainly not a ploy to drive traffic to this blog, though that would not be bad if it happens!

However, before I tell you what it is and where to get this free resource, I have to tell you about my search and the various places I did not find it.

Life-long Learner

You see, I have been a life-long learner. I love learning new facts and ideas. I enjoy learning about big concepts as well as trivial tidbits. I just get a kick of any kind of learning.


Since I have always been taught that a leader is a reader, I have always sought out the next greatest book to teach me what I need to know. Over the years, I have found some really good books and I have indeed learned a lot from them. In fact, I have created a whole page on this website dedicated to my recommended Reading List. Many of the books on this list have had significant impacts on my life. I would not give up having read any of them.

Other Leaders

I have also been taught to look to those who are smarter than me and have more experience than I do and to learn from them. I have learned from my parents, coaches, other business leaders, and even people I have never met through blogs, conferences, and webinars. I am always looking to meet people that can teach me something!

But, regardless of all of the combined learning from all of the above sources, none compares to the resource I am about to reveal to you. If I could somehow measure everything I have learned from these sources, that total would hardly register when compared to what can be learned from the one resource I about to share with you.

#1 Free Resource

Enough of the build-up, already. The #1 free resource for Christian business leaders is godly wisdom, or as James puts it, wisdom from above. Let’s take a look at what wisdom really is, as defined by Webster:

    -deep understanding, keen discernment, and capacity for sound judgment
    -ability to discern inner qualities and relationships

If we could all have our fill of the above definition of wisdom, do you really think we would need a whole lot more? There is so much that we encounter from day to day in our businesses, families, and other interactions that would go so much smoother if we were filled with this wisdom. Can you imagine the impact we could have if we could relive some of our missed opportunities, but this time be armed with godly wisdom?

Value vs. Cost

I can tell you this…I will take all of it I can get. I have seen the results in those situations where my wisdom from above kept me from making a decision I am sure I would later regret. I have also seen the results when I failed to employ godly wisdom. I do not need to be convinced of the value it holds.

So, what does this godly wisdom cost us? Do we have to live for 80 years before we can experience it? Do we have to be able to afford a higher education to gain it?

No, no, no! It is free for the asking! Take a look at this:

Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith without doubting. For the doubter is like the surging sea, driven and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. An indecisive man is unstable in all his ways. – James 3:5-8

All we have to do is ask God and have faith that He will do what He says He will do. It is really that simple!

Give it a try. For the next 90 days, pray earnestly that God will give you wisdom and have the faith that He will answer that prayer. God is faithful. I guarantee you will notice a difference! What do you have to lose?

What are you struggling with that requires wisdom?

Have you prayed for wisdom before?

Have you seen God answer this prayer for you?

10 Pitfalls to Running a Christian Business

Have you prayed about how you are to run your business?  Have you sought God with intensity on the question of running your business for Him?  If not, I would suggest you not read any further until you do.

I know I am probably breaking several “Rules for a Successful Blog” when I tell you not to read further, but I cannot help it.  If you think you can get enough information on which to make a solid decision in this area without first seeking God in prayer, then you are mistaken.  In fact, if you simply look at the facts through your own eyes, you will almost certainly decide against running your business this way.

Praying and Thinking

If you are still reading, then I assume you have prayed (and continue to do so) about this decision.  You may have read my posts on the 5 Reasons to Run Your Business According to Your Christian Faith (if not, click on the “Reasons” Category in the sidebar to the right).  It makes sense to you, but you are still not sure whether you should proceed or not.  Good.  I am glad you are thinking about it.  I want you to think about it.

As with any major decision, I believe we are to go to God’s Word.  What does the Bible have to say about making a major decision like this?

For which of you, wanting to build a tower, doesn’t first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?  Otherwise, after he has laid the foundation and cannot finish it, all the onlookers will begin to make fun of him, saying, ‘This man started to build and wasn’t able to finish.
– Luke 14:28-30

Count the Costs

I will tell you, from my personal experience, that this decision is bigger than it even looks.  There are pitfalls, and benefits, that you have not even thought of.  It is just not what it appears.  Therefore, as Jesus taught in this Scripture, we must count the costs.

I realize that your experience in making this decision, and then implementing it, will not necessarily mirror my own experience.  At the same time, because I have already been through this process, I can share about my journey.  My hope is that I can help you avoid, or at least be prepared for, the following pitfalls (as well as those not listed!).

I will give you the list of pitfalls like Solomon might have done it in Proverbs.  Here are ten pitfalls of running a Christian business, eleven hazards you will face when basing your business on your Christian faith…

The Pitfalls

1. People think a Christian business does not terminate people
2. People think a Christian business never says no…to anything!
3. Your old policies, processes, habits will have to change
4. Your comfort level will be shaken
5. The people you thought would congratulate and support you…won’t.
6. You will lose friends.
7. You will come under attack.
8. Your priorities will change.
9. People will take advantage of you.
10. You will lose battles.

11. You will give up profit.

First of all, this is not an exhaustive list.  Secondly, I believe the benefits outweigh these pitfalls!

Now, some of these are self explanatory and some require further clarification.  While I will not do a continuous series of eleven posts on these pitfalls, I will take each of these topics and expand on them in the coming weeks and months.  I hope you will follow along and participate in the discussion as we go.

What are your thoughts right now?

Are you truly praying for God’s will in your business?

Are you willing to give it to Him despite the apparent costs?