Does It Matter If You Are A Christian Or A Disciple?


I know you have noticed it. There are words your parents use (or used) that no longer mean the same thing today as when they began using them. If you are a parent with teens, you are the one using the words that no longer mean what they meant when you were growing up. I believe the perceived meaning of the word “Christian” has changed as well.

Will You Commit To Surrender These 5 Destructive Possessions?


As I have read the Bible over the years to find examples to follow and lessons to apply to our business, one particular character stands out. You are probably familiar with the story of the rich young ruler, but have you ever taken the time to apply that story to your life and business? Are you willing to let go of your possessions so that you can follow Jesus more fully?

3 Simple Steps To Conquering The Competition


When I mention the word competition, what comes to your mind? For most business leaders, thoughts of rival businesses are the first to appear. While this is not wrong at all, I think there is a competition that deserves more of our attention than these other businesses. It is this competition that renders many of us useless in God’s kingdom. It is this competition that we must destroy by every means necessary!

Are You Totally Exhausted From Your Work For God?

work for God

A good friend of mine was recently telling me about a ministry he is working to build. Part of this ministry is a retreat that caters to ministry and church leaders, giving them much needed rest and refreshing of the minds and vision. I have heard of other retreats and programs seeking to meet the same need. Evidently, Christian ministry is hard, often frustrating, work for God and can wear us out, right? I think there may be a good reason for part of this problem.

Are You Tired Of Paying God With Lip Service?

lip service

Look around at the business world today and take note of those who claim to be Christians. Include yourself in this assessment. Some are easy to identify because their business practices clearly align with what they believe the Bible says. The rest are more difficult to identify because their practices are no different than the non-Christians around them. Why is this? Are these business people guilty of paying lip service to God or is there more to it?

How To Escape That Energy Draining Rut


If you are high-performing leader who has a track record for success, you still know what it feels like to get in a rut. Call it a slump, fog, funk, whatever – we have all seen them and they are not fun to experience. The rut drains our energy and takes away any motivation we have for moving forward. We know we are in it, but often have trouble getting out of it!

What Do You Do When The Boss Is Not Looking?


As an employer, I have a unique ability to change the tone of the room, or the behavior of those in the room, just by walking in! Whether I like it or not, I have come to realize that my presence, as the boss, changes people’s behavior. I think it is human nature to act differently when the boss is not looking.

5 Tough Questions You Need To Answer

tough questions

Every once in a while, I like to mix things up a little. Today’s post is one of those times. Rather than writing a post that tells you my thoughts and gives you my opinions, I am going to ask you a series of tough questions and let you come to your own conclusions. My hope and prayer is that these questions will lead you to action.

Will You Stand Up?


If you look around at the world we are living in today, you will see a lot of confusion and chaos. There is so much uncertainty and fear whether you look at politics, the economy, or most any other arena. It is in many ways a frightening time to live. On the other hand, this is an amazing time to live if we look at the opportunity from an eternal perspective. We simply have to stand.

Why Is A Bumper Car More Spiritual?

bumper car

You likely already know this, but I am in the car business and I have been for all of my life. As a result, I love cars! I enjoy all kinds of cars (even those I can never afford!), but one of my favorite kinds of cars is the bumper car. Imagine my excitement when I recently discovered that bumper cars are more spiritual than traditional cars! Do you want to know why?