15 Killer Ideas For Christian Ministry

In my last post, I described a house that had gas cans, lit candles, and exposed wiring throughout. We agreed that the owner of this house is clearly trying to create conditions for a fire to break out. We also looked at how this same idea applies to Christian ministry in our businesses if we are looking for eternal impact by pointing people toward God.

Christian ministry

Examples Of Christian Ministry

Today, I would like to give you some specific ideas about how we take this same approach in our business. I do not have the space to fully describe each item on the list. Instead, I will give a brief description and then, when possible, direct you to another post on this site that goes into more detail.

My hope is that you can take even just a couple of these ideas and adapt them to your business. If you have any questions or want to discuss them further, please comment below or send me an email. I will respond as quickly as I can!

    1. Mission Statement
    God is central to our company mission statement and core values.

    2. Chaplain program
    We offer chaplain services to our employees on a weekly basis through Corporate Chaplains of America. This service is incredible and has too many benefits to list here!

    3. Owners Manuals For Life
    We put a New Testament Bible in the glove box of every vehicle we sell. The cover says “Owners Manual For Life” and we have a note inside that explains how we believe it is the greatest book they will ever read. We don’t point it out to the customer, but let them find it later.

    4. Christ in Christmas Party
    We celebrate and have fun like other companies, but we also make sure there is a story or illustration at the end of the party that contains the gospel message to keep our focus on the real reason for the party.

    5. Christian magazines, Gospels of John in lounge
    We keep Christian magazines like “TwoTen” on the tables in the customer lounges at each of our stores. We also keep pocket-sized copies of the Gospel of John stocked there.

    6. Bible Studies
    Our chaplain (and sometimes our Controller) leads a weekly Bible study in the employee break room. We do one at lunch and one at breakfast so everyone has the opportunity to come, regardless of work schedule. We provide the food and we watch a video series followed by discussion.

    7. Devotions
    I go around to each department once a month and tell a quick story or illustration with a business and spiritual message woven in. These take five minutes or so and stay very light, but get great responses!

    8. Employee Newsletter
    I write an article for our employee newsletter once a month. In this article, I follow much the same pattern as the devotions mentioned above.

    9. Library
    We have a couple of library areas across our locations where we keep books for use by employees. Topics range from spiritual to family to parenting to business. If they are looking for a book we don’t have (and it fits our mission), then we will get it.

    10. Sponsorships
    We sponsor a number of faith-based organizations around our community. While these are mostly financial sponsorships, there are also opportunities to help with things other than money. Use of facilities, social media marketing, etc. are some examples.

    11. Car wash
    We host faith-based organizations on our parking lot and provide all necessary materials for them to hold a car wash fundraiser. They provide the labor and keep the revenue from the customers. We give a per-car donation as well.

    12. Open meetings with prayer
    We take time at the beginning of our sales meetings to open in prayer.

    13. Employee recognition
    We recognize employees who go above and beyond expectations outside of their job with a couple of awards – the RPM award and the Lightning Strike.

    14. Christian music
    Our overhead and on-hold music comes from a Pandora station with upbeat Christian music. It is not overwhelming, but provides a great atmosphere in the showroom and around the dealerships.

    15. Pay for volunteering
    We provide opportunities for employees to volunteer during community events we sponsor and pay them for half the time they spend doing so.

Not Everything

This is not everything we do to create the potential for eternal impact, but it should give you some ideas about what you can do in your business.

The idea I want to make sure I convey is that all of this does not happen at once. This is an accumulation of over ten years of intentional thought and action. We started small. You can do the same.

Progress Over Time

If you work at it over time, your business will look like the house described in my last post. Everywhere you turn, you will see potential for Christian ministry to happen. You will also realize that it is good for business!

Comment below and let me know what you would add to this list! Have a question, ask it! I would love to engage in conversation about this.

Why Are We Surprised At Trials?

Not too long ago, friends of mine went through an intense personal experience that completely shocked them. They were not expecting to ever have to deal with this particular issue, but there it was staring them in the face. As we talked about the issue and the possible outcomes, none very pretty, I thought about why we are surprised at the trials we face.


Protected Life?

It’s is as though we think life should be smooth once we accept Christ. We look at the world outside of our faith and believe that “they” (non-believers) are unfortunate because they have to live in such a messed up world. On the other hand, we think we are immune to the problems associated with a fallen world.

Sure, when pressed, we will admit that we know God sends the rain on the righteous and the unrighteous, but we really don’t think the worst will come to our door. We somehow believe we have a pass that keeps the big stuff away from us. Have you ever felt that way (even if you haven’t realized it)?

So, what is the truth?

There Is An Enemy!

The truth, as found in Scripture, is that there is an enemy. He is real and he passionately desires the destruction of anything and everything related to God. He does not work alone.

Just so you don’t take my word for it, take a look at the following Scriptures:

For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.
Ephesians 6:12

However, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of it, the world hates you.
John 15:19

You will have suffering in this world.
John 16:33

Dear friends, don’t be surprised when the fiery ordeal comes among you to test you as if something unusual were happening to you.
1 Peter 4:12

Truth Can Be Uncomfortable

For some of you, this is not comfortable to read. I get it. I am not comfortable writing it. Unfortunately, that does not change the truth. And if we continue to ignore this truth, we will continue to experience trials and challenges that shock us.

This is a big deal – not because of the surprise of the trials, but because we can do something about them in advance…if we are willing!

When it comes to trials in business, we can prepare with increased cash reserves and strategic emergency plans. When it comes to spiritual trials, the preparation is not much different – at least in theory.

Preparation For Trials

If we accept the existence of a spiritual enemy that is bent on our destruction, we can begin preparing our defenses as well as emergency plans. Ongoing prayer, Scripture memory and Bible study will build faith and wisdom reserves that will sustain us during the storms we will face.

Building relationships with fellow believers – both those that are ahead of us in their faith journey and those coming behind us – will create sources of wisdom, comfort, and prayer support that we will certainly need when the trials sweep over us.

We Must Face The Truth

The bottom line is that we cannot continue to ignore the fact that there is a war going on and we are on the battlefield. Under these conditions, there should be no shock when we are hit with the “fiery ordeal” mentioned above. Instead, because we have prepared, we should immediately execute our emergency plan.

Drawing on our own faith and wisdom reserves while seeking the guidance and support of fellow believers, we begin our difficult walk through whatever it is we are facing. At the same time, we should also “consider it pure joy” that we are facing these trials because we know that God is using them to make something tremendous out of us!

Have you ever been truly surprised at a significant trial?

Do you agree that we should actually expect trials in life?

How do you prepare for the trials you know you will face?

How To Read And Apply Scripture

We all know we need to read and seek to apply Scripture in our lives. This is no revelation. The problem is that sometimes we really don’t know HOW to do this, right? Sometimes, we read a passage and cannot understand what exactly it should be saying to us. While it sounds simple, sometimes it is not.

apply Scripture

My Effort To Apply Scripture

For today, I want to try something different from my norm. I am taking a short passage (Psalm 119:73-80) and I am attempting to put it into my own words. I have tried to imagine how each verse should apply to my life in particular and then worded it as a prayer back to God.

Keep in mind, this is clearly not Scripture itself. I am not attempting to rewrite it, only to apply Scripture to my life in my words and according to my understanding. These verses may say something else to you. The Holy Spirit is not limited in how He can speak to us!

Take a look at the following verses and see if they resonate with you. Each verse is listed in italics and then my words follow. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment area at the end of the post.

Verse 73 – Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding so that I can learn your commands.

    Father, Your hands made every part of me and formed each of my strengths, weaknesses, talents, gifts, and desires into the man that I am. There is nothing about me that You cannot use to impact others. I don’t just want to know Your commands or even to be familiar with them, but to fully understand them. Please give me this understanding so I can apply them in every role I play, in every part of my life.

Verse 74 – May those who fear You rejoice when they see me for I have put my hope in your word.

    I pray that all those who fear You and know You in a real way would be glad to see me and do business with me because they see You in our business. This is not for the sake of the business itself, but for the relationships between us and so that both of us are impacted in a way that draws us closer to You.

Verse 75 – I know, Lord, that your judgments are just and that you have afflicted me fairly.

    Lord, Your rules and judgments are perfect and true, even when they do not make it easy for me. I realize You have a much bigger perspective than I do and therefore I will not always understand Your ways. At least I know they are perfect as You are and that your application of them in my life is fair. I thank You for Your promises here.

Verse 76 – Let your steadfast love comfort me according to your promise to your servant.

    Father, I know my choice to be in business means I will face challenges and struggles on a regular basis. As a result, there will be times of loneliness and frustration. I accept that. I ask that You comfort me during these times with Your endless love. You have already promised this in Your word – I just claim it now!

Verse 77 – Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live, for thy law is my delight.

    In addition to the times of frustration, there will also be times when I personally fall short of Your expectations and guidelines for my life. Though I do not intend to do so because I love Your laws, I know that I am flesh and will disappoint You. I pray now that Your mercy will come to me in those times. I pray not only that You will show me mercy, but that I will recognize it. I also pray I will show that same mercy to others.

Verse 78 – May the arrogant be put to shame for wronging me without cause; but I will meditate on your precepts.

    Often because of the business I am in, there are those who disparage me with lies. Though they do not know the truth, they arrogantly assume they do and speak as such. I pray that at some point You will shame them for these lies. To make sure I avoid this same behavior myself, I will continue to meditate on Your word. Help me with this!

Verse 79 – Let those who fear You, those who know Your decrees, turn to me.

    Lord, I interact with many people on a daily basis. While I know I am to be an ambassador to those who do not know You, I pray that you will surround me with others who do know You. I need the companionship, mentoring, and accountability from those who have walked with You and know You and Your ways.

Verse 80 – May my heart be blameless in your statutes, that I may not be put to shame.

    Father, I read Your word regularly and try my best to follow what it tells me. However, you know I am sinful and tend to wander from Your path. Please strengthen my faith to stick to Your path and give me a clean heart so that I am not ashamed of my behavior, thoughts, and deeds. I want to reflect You to those around me.

What does it look like when you apply Scripture to your life?

Have you done it like this before?

What methods would you recommend to apply Scripture to your life?

How Often Do You Fill Your Spiritual Tank?

I am in the car business so I hear about a lot of different perspectives people have on the gas tank in their vehicles. The parallels between the gas tank in our car and our spiritual tank are helpful if we will stop and think about it

spiritual tank

Gas Tank Stories

I have heard of elderly ladies (my grandmother included) that have never pumped gas into their car because their husbands always did it. I hear about people who never let their tank get below half full and others that know to the tenth of a mile how long they can drive once the “Need Fuel” light comes on!

I even had one gentleman explain to me that he could not afford to keep his new truck because it cost him too much to fill it up. The truck got great fuel economy, but the tank was bigger than the one in his old truck. While he could go longer between fill-ups, he insisted that did not matter because each fill-up was more expensive. I could not convince him that he was spending the same amount of money overall!

Better When Full?

Whatever your thoughts about your gas tank, I imagine that you are like most people and feel more comfortable with a tank that is full or near so than you do with one that is near empty.

Maybe you want to be prepared in the event you need to leave in a hurry or go on a trip that requires more fuel. Maybe you commute to and from work and fear the idea of running out of gas on the highway in between. It could just be that you have more peace of mind when the tank is full.

Whatever the case, virtually no one likes to drive around all the time with the “Need Fuel” light on. No one enjoys testing the limits of their reserve tank on a daily basis. If they have a choice, most people will keep more gas in the tank rather than less – just for the peace of mind.

Spiritual Tank Is Similar

The same is true for our spiritual tank. Have you thought about this? Are you one who always runs around with a spiritual tank that is full or do you squeak by most days with just enough to survive?

If you are in the “always full” club, do you see the benefits? Do you realize that when you frequently bump into others with spiritual needs (whether they realize it or not) that you are able to share some of your fuel with them? Do you feel less wasted at the end of the day and wonder why?

Always Full?

If you are in this “always full” club, you have probably noticed the difference between you and others, but maybe you have not considered the cause of this difference. Maybe you have just chalked it up to a positive attitude or rosy lenses. I would bet this is not the case.

If I had to bet, those of you in the “always full” group have a fairly consistent quiet time. You probably have a pretty solid prayer life and I would also guess you attend small groups where you are poured into by others. Am I close?

Always Empty?

What about those of you that are at the other end of the spectrum. You have never stopped to pinpoint the reason, but you seldom get to the end of a day without feeling completely drained. You rarely have the energy to spend much time with those “needy” people you see around you at times.

You might look at others around you that are always chipper and they somewhat annoy you. You think their energy probably comes from a special blend of coffee or some hip energy drink that you can’t afford.

How To Keep Full?

Have you ever considered that maybe their spiritual tanks are kept at full and yours is not? Have you ever stopped someone like this to ask them what they do on a regular basis to “fill their tank”? Would you consider it?

Imagine going to the gas station every day and putting $1.50 worth of gas in your tank. How far would you get before needing more? How much sense would that make if you knew your travel for the day would require at least $5.00 in gas? Could you ever share gas with someone else if this was your habit?

Empty Brings Trouble

The idea here is that we cannot expect much peace in our lives if our spiritual tanks are always empty. Without a continuously filled spiritual tank, our days are doomed to stress, anxiety, and frustration. Just as bad would be our inability to share our peace with those around us.

Rather than trying to scrape by on the absolute minimum, we need to strive for a constantly full tank. We need to determine what it is that we need in order to maintain this full spiritual tank and we need to do that on a regular basis.

Fill With Scripture

For some, this is simply the act of reading the Bible every morning. Maybe it is Psalms or Proverbs. Maybe it is Paul’s letters. Regardless, simply reading from God’s Word can be an instant spiritual tank filler.

For others, this does not work. Maybe they do not understand what they are reading and need help or explanation. Maybe they just get their energy and fill from being in a group that is discussing Scripture. The different perspectives offered help them digest the learning more clearly.

Other Ways To Fill

There are many ways God can use to fill our spiritual tank. We only have to ask Him to help us find the methods that work best with our unique characteristics. I promise He is faithful to answer and help us stay at FULL!

Take some time today and think about which group you are in. If “always full,” then look for someone in the other group and share your methods with them. Teach them how to maintain a full tank.

If you are in the “always empty” group, in addition to prayer, look around and find someone from the other group. Ask them questions and be ready to apply what you learn. Don’t be content with your “Need Fuel” light staying on all the time!

How often do you fill your spiritual tank?

Do you recognize times when you have run on empty?

What is life like for you when your spiritual tank is full?

Danger Zone In Continuous Learning

I have talked a lot in my posts about being mentored and learning from others. I think continuous learning is a critical part of being a leader and anyone who has stopped learning will not be leading much longer. However, there can be an easily overlooked danger in this that I want to address.


Endless Supply Of Material

If you have access to the internet, then you literally have access to more leaders than you can count. You can read books and blogs or watch videos and webinars on virtually any subject or topic you choose. There is a virtually endless supply of wisdom out there to be gleaned.

Even if you narrow your search down to Christian business leaders, it would not be very difficult to find more material than you can absorb in a year. Quite simply, there is not a shortage of opportunities for learning or gaining wisdom in the world today.

I have been overwhelmed at times with the abundance of godly wisdom that is available. In fact, there have been times where I have been reading two or three different books or blogs at one time. While it can sometimes get confusing, I have enjoyed the variety.

So what exactly is the danger that we need to avoid?

How can continuous learning cause us trouble?

Danger Example In Scripture

These are good questions, but before I answer them I want to take a look at an example from Scripture. In the following passage, Peter steps into a danger zone. It is this area that I want to discuss.

After six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up on a high mountain by themselves to be alone. He was transformed in front of them, and His clothes became dazzling—extremely white as no launderer on earth could whiten them. Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus.

Then Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it’s good for us to be here! Let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah”— because he did not know what he should say, since they were terrified.

A cloud appeared, overshadowing them, and a voice came from the cloud:

    This is My beloved Son;
    listen to Him!

Then suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus alone.
Mark 9:2-8

Three Tabernacles?

Did you catch the danger area for Peter? Look back at what Peter said about building three tabernacles for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. What was wrong with that? Why should we consider this a danger zone?

I am not sure it is really clear until you read further and see how God responded. Read again what He says to them – “This is My beloved Son; listen to Him!”


I believe that Peter was in awe over seeing Moses and Elijah. As a Jew, Peter saw these two guys as legendary men of faith. God worked incredible miracles through them and their lives were studied in depth by Jewish children as they came up in the synagogue.

For Americans, this would be like suddenly meeting George Washington and Ben Franklin. For students of business, the equivalent might be Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller. Athletes might compare this to meeting Babe Ruth and Jim Thorpe.

I think you get the idea, but maybe the danger is still unclear.

God Interrupts

Think about it. Peter is clearly enamored with meeting these two legends and immediately wants to do something to show his excitement. Rather than thinking it through, he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind – to build three tabernacles or shelters for the tow of them and Jesus.

This is when God steps in and speaks. It is not often that God does this so we need to pay attention when He does. We should immediately realize that there is something important for us to learn here.

When God speaks, He makes it known that Jesus is His Son and that Peter (and the others) should listen to Him. Why did He do this?

Wrong Star!

What Peter did not realize was that while Moses and Elijah were great men, they were not great enough to be put on par with Jesus! Even though Peter should have been in awe of their presence, he should have been that much more in awe over being in the presence of Jesus, the Son of God! I don’t think it is coincidental that as soon as God said this, Jesus is the only one still standing there.

Too often, like Peter, we get caught up in who is the latest leader or guru in our industry. We want to read the latest book on business by the most recent author to rise to the top of his area of expertise. We even take pride in telling people what we have read and who we are learning from.

Jesus Stands Alone

Unfortunately, the danger is in the possibility of putting these people on par with Jesus. Even worse, we might be putting them ahead of Jesus! And while God is not using his booming voice to shock us back into the right mindset, passages like the one above should make it obvious that we are out of line.

Peter got caught up in the moment and went too far in showing honor to Moses and Elijah. We often do the same when we stop seeking our wisdom from Jesus, replacing Him with whoever it is that intrigues us at the moment.

Jesus As Foundation

To avoid this danger, we all need to make sure we build a foundation of learning from Jesus through consistent Bible study and prayer. We need to allow the wisdom from God’s Word to be our first and most important source of wisdom – whether it is for our business, job, or family. He should be first.

From there, there is no danger in adding godly wisdom from other sources as well. We just need to remember to keep this other wisdom in perspective, comparing it to Scripture and only applying that which matches what we read there.

Have you been guilty of putting others on par with Jesus?

Can you see the danger of doing this?

How do you make sure Jesus is your foundation first?

5 Steps To Eliminate Anxiety, Part 2

[This is a the second half of my post on the 5 Steps To Eliminate Anxiety. If you have not read the first post, please take a moment to do that before reading this one. It will make much more sense!]


Praying For Patience?

Have you ever prayed for patience? If you have or you know someone that has, you know that is just asking for trouble, right? With training for patience come trials. I have news for you…the same is true for writing about anxiety! Before my last post, I felt I had very little to “worry” about. In the last couple of days the reasons for anxiety have flooded in!

So far, I have attempted to practice my own advice! I am excited to say that it is working at the moment. I may have to come back to you later with some modifications or further instructions, but for now I will stick with my 5 Steps.

Eliminating Anxiety!

In my last post, I talked about the root of anxiety being a simple uncertainty of the future. I described how this uncertainty is not a problem until consequences are added. It is usually the size of the consequences that creates the anxiety that is so difficult for us to handle.

In that post, I gave the first two of these 5 Steps To Eliminate Anxiety. Following is a summary of the first two steps and then the details of the final three steps. I suggest you take these and pray through them. I truly believe you will find that, with practice, they are effective.

Step #1 – Bible Is Truth

We must recognize and believe that the Bible is absolutely and totally the Word of God AND that it is without error or fluff. This step is non-negotiable and is the foundation for Step #2.

Step #2 – Read About Your Future

The next step is to read about our ultimate future as described, and promised, in the Bible. We are told there that Jesus died for us. If we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives, we are promised an eternity with Him. Therefore, what happens to us between now and then is in His hands and unworthy of worry or anxiety.

Step #3 – Pray For Faith

Because it is easier to read and understand the truth in Step #2 than it is to fully accept it and internalize it, our next step is to pray for the faith we need. We need to be just like the father (whose son was dying) who said to Jesus, “I do believe! Help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:14-27)

Many professing Christians believe the Bible is true and that it gives us a picture of our ultimate future, but when life comes at them, their faith fails them. Anxiety takes over and faith seems like a distant memory. We simply cannot allow this to continue!

Cry out to God for the faith needed to believe what He tells you in His Word. Do not relent until He grants you this faith. Just remember that much of our faith comes from going through these trials and coming out on the other side. Looking back builds our faith for the next one!

Step #4 – Repeat Steps #2 & #3 As Needed

Unlike learning not to put your hand on a hot stove, this lesson about anxiety is not a once-and-done kind of lesson. This is something many people will struggle to defeat over a period of time. While this may be true, do NOT accept that it cannot be defeated. Anxiety is not something you just have to learn how to live with – unless you cannot get past Step #1!

Because it may take time, you need to keep doubling back to Step #2 and then Step #3. Repeat these steps over and over. Write them on labels and put them on your monitor at work and the dash of your car. Put them on your refrigerator at home. Memorize the Scriptures that speak to you the most.

As you do this, keep praying for God to help your unbelief. You may believe that He saved you, but you have trouble believing that He will provide a job for you. Maybe you can trust Him with your soul, but cannot seem to place your teenager in His hands. As you pray through this, you will begin to see the fallacy of your logic and your faith will grow to meet the challenges you are facing.

Step #5 – Enjoy The Peace

Oh yeah, Step #5 is the goal! If you will follow the first four steps listed above, then you will be treated to what is probably the greatest gift God has given us after our salvation – peace. If you have had it, you know what I mean!

If you look at the beginning of all of Paul’s letters in the New Testament, he starts with a mention of peace. Jesus talks many times about the peace he brings us, despite the trouble of this world. This is clearly our goal as it is the total absence of anxiety. Not only is it promised to us, but it is within our reach every day!

Practice Makes Perfect

You will not be fully successful with these five steps on your first try. You absolutely must commit to practicing them if you expect to be good at them. If you want this to work, you must work through these steps over time. Each time you will get stronger and stronger. Eventually, you will see that the truth of Steps #1 & #2 are enough to vanquish the anxiety at your door. Until then, keep practicing!

Now that you have the 5 steps, what do you think?

Are you willing to try following these steps?

What part of this process is new to you?

Are You Waiting To Be Told What To Do?

Our business is not a big one in the grand scheme of things, but we do get a good cross-section of employees with roughly 100 people working here. As a result, I have seen those that learn the job quickly and others that do not. Some understand their job and do what is necessary without being asked while others are waiting to be told what to do.

waiting to be told

Waiting To Be Told

If you have been working for any length of time, you have probably witnessed this. For the most part, any new employee needs to be told what to do in the beginning, right? Unless they have worked that exact job before, there are things they need to be told first.

They probably need to know WHAT to do, WHY, WHEN, and HOW they are to do it, and maybe a few other tips. Once they get this, they should be able to go forward on their own with only occasional guidance along the way.

Still Waiting…

The problem is that some employees are still waiting to be told what to do. You probably know some of these people where you work. Maybe they work for you. No matter how many times they have read the job description or listened to the training, they refuse to take action on their own. They can sometimes be found actually standing around because no one stopped to tell them what to do next! It really amazes (and frustrates) me!

To be clear, I am not talking about waiting to be told about NEW tasks, responsibilities, or ideas. As employees are being developed for promotion or more responsibility, they need to be taught more. They cannot know the new stuff until it is taught to them. I am only now talking about what they already know (or should know) they are to be doing.

What About Us?

So now that I have you worked up and as frustrated as I am, let’s (again) turn this around to be about us. You probably knew this was coming, didn’t you? For the sake of this discussion, we are the “employees” in this picture and God is the “employer”.

As you go through the rest of this post, ask yourself if you are acting just like one of these employees. Ask yourself if you are “standing around” waiting to be told by God (again) what He wants you to do. Be honest with yourself and allow Him to guide you. He will show you what He wants you to see.


Let’s take an easy example to start with.

Our “handbook” (the Bible) says that we are to love God (Matthew 22:37-40), right? This is called the Greatest Commandment and we should all be aware of it by now. We have probably read it many times and have likely heard sermons (training) on it as well.

So, are you DOING it? Are you really LOVING God? Are you doing it with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength? OR are you waiting to be told again that you are to do this?

If I am honest in answering these questions for myself, then I would say I am doing it sometimes and I am trying to do it other times. I can’t really say that at any point in time I am sitting around waiting to be told again to love God. I think I have a passing grade here, but not by much.

Another Example!

Let’s get a little tougher. We have all likely heard of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) as well, right? We are told here to go and make disciples of all nations. Again, we have read it and heard many sermons on it. I doubt there are any of us that can honestly claim ignorance here.

So, again I ask the question. Are you DOING it? Are you truly making disciples? Are you mentoring someone in the Christian walk? Are you engaging your employees, co-workers, and others in Christian ministry? Are you teaching what you have been taught?

In the past, I could answer this question with an easy “Yes!” without blinking an eye. Lately, I have allowed distractions to creep in and now I am unable to answer with confidence. What about you? Have you made an effort? Have you allowed distractions to interfere?

More Examples!

I won’t go into detail with each of the following areas from our “handbook,” but I will at least list them and let you ask yourself the questions. Think about each category and ask yourself the tough questions. Where are you waiting to be told what to do? If that is difficult for you or if you think you will go too easy on yourself, ask someone else to help you. Maybe that can be the start of a discipling relationship!

Evangelism (Acts 1:8)

Tithing (Matthew 23:23)

Love your enemies (Matthew 5:43-44)

Forgive your enemies (Luke 17:4)

Praying for others (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

Bible study (2 Timothy 2:15)

Take Action!

When you have had enough abuse for one day and you are ready to close out this post, stop and do one more thing. Decide on one, only one, of these areas and commit to do something!

Commit to make at least one change. Start doing something that you already know you should be doing. It will be the first step down a great and rewarding path!

Where are you doing what you know you should be doing?

Where are you waiting to be told what to do?

What are you going to do about it?

Part-Time Father?

I joke around a lot about being the father of three teenage children. I am sure you have either experienced or heard about the ups and downs of parenting children at this tough age as they are transitioning into young adults. I can promise you it can be thrilling and challenging at the same time. What would you think if I said I have decided that I only want to be a father for somewhere between 5-10 hours per week?


Part-Time Father

Just for kicks, lets say I decided that for one day a week I decided I would actively parent my children. That is to say, for 5-10 hours on that one day, I would intentionally participate in their activities. We would play together, have a meal or two together, and I might even teach them something.

For the rest of the week, I would virtually ignore them. I would not do this in an ugly way or even to appear cold. I would just put my Dad “hat” on a shelf. Can you imagine how much stress and worry this would remove from my life?

Worth It?

Sure, there may be some very cool experiences I would miss, but there would not be that many of those, right? I mean, the trade-off would be worth it, wouldn’t it?

Clearly, I would have time to do so many other things I have wanted to do. Plus, I would no longer have to worry about so many of those issues that seem to suck the fun out of my life. Can’t you see my reasoning? Am I on the right track?

Your Response?

Right now, I imagine there are several thoughts running through your mind. First, you likely want to tell me that no matter how I spend my time, with or without focusing on my children, I am still a father. Once God gave us that first child, I became forever a father. This is not a title that I can remove at will or for convenience. It is from then on part of who I am – part of my identity.

Next, you would probably want to convince me that even though there are obvious struggles and challenges associated with parenting teenagers, the rewards far outweigh them. You probably want to share your own stories or experiences of how the struggles actually turned into success just when it looked the darkest.

Finally, you would likely use the argument that I took on the responsibility of my children when I became their father. This responsibility includes providing for their needs and teaching them the skills and knowledge they will need to become healthy adults.

Here’s The Problem

Okay, I get all of that. Actually, I agree with all of it. But I have a problem.

In fact, I have a pretty big problem with these arguments.

If all of this is true, why is it that so many Christians think we can do the same thing with our identity as followers of Christ?

Why do so many of us believe that we can be “Christian” for 5-10 hours on Sunday, but the rest of the week is free for us to do as we please?

Is One Day Enough?

I am not really even talking about those who are in church on Sunday and living in obvious and destructive sin the rest of the week. I AM talking about those of us who are in church on Sunday, remain (mostly) morally clean, and do a decent job of staying out of trouble the rest of the week.

Even so, it is this same group that believes this is enough. Though remaining (mostly) morally clean and out of trouble the rest of the week, that is where it ends.

We see nothing wrong with putting our Bible on the shelf Sunday afternoon and picking it back up the next Sunday morning. From Monday to Saturday, we act as if we are free to do as we please (even within moral constraints). And whatever we do, we think it is okay to keep it distinct and separate from our identity as Christians!

There Is No Difference!

Folks, this is no less crazy than me thinking I can stop being a father whenever I want. We are followers of Jesus. We have given our lives over to Him as Lord, not just Savior. When we did this, we forever became children and disciples of His.

This is now and forever part of our identity. Whether we are actively doing something related to our faith or not, we are still His children. Just like being a father, this is not a title we can set aside at will.

There Will Be Challenges!

Of course, when you do this you will face challenges you have never known before. You will wrestle with decisions that used to come easily to you. You will begin to consider the eternal impact of your actions (and inactions) when before you never gave it a second thought.

This is not for the faint of heart. This is tough and you will struggle through it, but there is hope! When we live out our faith 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, regardless of the circumstances or location, the rewards are incredible. Just like being a father, these rewards far outweigh the challenges.

Our Responsibility!

Finally, we have taken on the responsibility of living out our faith. Our most important commandment, as told by Jesus himself, is to love the Lord with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength (Matthew 22:37-40). This is not possible one day per week. It is not possible if we leave Him on the shelf as we head out to work.

No, we are 24/7 to be identified with Jesus. We are to live out our faith in ALL areas of our lives. Whether at work, school, at church, or in the community – we are to identify ourselves with Him. Whether we want to or not, we cannot be a Christian for only 5-20 hours per week.

What are your thoughts?

Can you imagine actually defending the part-time father theory?

What do you need to change?

Do You Already Pray?

This is the fifth and final post in a series on recommendations I would make to someone at the beginning stages of deciding to use their business as a platform for Christian ministry. While this list of recommendations is not exhaustive, it should be a great start on which to build. Today’s recommendation is (again) to pray!


Sunscreen Battle

If you have kids, you have probably experienced the sunscreen battle. You go to the beach, pool, or lake and plan to spend the day. One of the first actions you take is to slather them up with sunscreen – the highest SPF you can find, right?

After you have been there for several hours, you ask them to come to you so you can apply more sunscreen. They whine and attempt to refuse, saying they have sunscreen. “Remember? You put it on when we first got here!”

One Application Not Enough!

Of course, with a calm and measured voice you ask again, explaining that the initial application you gave them has now washed off and they need more. Back and forth you likely go until they are close enough for you to physically reach them.

Then, like a frog’s tongue, your arm streaks out and grabs them. You pull them in and apply the cream as they wriggle and squirm. If you have missed this experience, then you at least have witnessed this scene unfold with others around you, right? You know exactly what I am talking about!

How Is This Related?

Of course, you may be familiar with the scene, but you are likely still wondering what this has to do with using a business as a platform for Christian ministry. You think I may have gone a little off track.

Actually, I think this picture has a lot in common with our discussion on Christian business. Before I get into the details, let’s look back at the first four recommendations in this series.

New Christian Business Advice

In each of these posts, I have attempted to describe what I believe are the most critical actions you can take if you are interested in running a Christian business. While each of the first four posts were distinct, I am going to risk repeating myself a little in this fifth and final post.

Going all the way back to Recommendation #1, I suggested you pray for clarity of purpose, strength, and commitment. I also suggested you give thanks for the position into which God has placed you. Of course, I believe these prayers are critical to your ministry.

At the same time, I believe that prayer has a lot in common with sunscreen. One application is NOT enough! Prayer is something that we need to reapply every day! Paul tells us to pray constantly…does that sound like one application?

Recommendation #5 – Pray Again!

Let me repeat that again: One application of prayer is not enough! Instead, you need to accept the concept that you will need an ongoing commitment to pray. For those who are serious about seeking eternal impact from the operation of their business, the commitment to pray is an absolute must!

When we pray, we commune with the Creator. He created us and He created business itself. Given that, does it not make sense that He can best direct us in a way that will produce the greatest impact?

Pray For Specifics

While I could just leave off there and have made my point, I will go on to give you specific topics that I believe are critical for you to cover when you pray. Again, my list is not exhaustive. Hopefully you will add to it over time. At the same time, you will be ahead of the game if you start with these.

Clarity of Purpose – Yes, this was already covered in Recommendation #1. The difference this time is that you are praying for God to keep this clarity in the forefront of your mind. You should pray for reminders in your spirit of the “Why” that drives you and gives you the energy to continue.

Strength and Commitment – Again, this was already covered before. Again, it will become more and more necessary as you progress into the territory of the enemy! Your quest is one of conquest and the opposition will intensify! Be prepared for this and make sure you pray for the necessary endurance.

Humility – At some point, you will likely see success in your efforts. It may happen instantly or it may take more time than you ever expected. Either way, pride is an easy trap to fall into. It will be tempting to take credit or accept praise when your ministry begins to bear fruit.

This is when you have to go back and read John 15. This is a reminder that you are only the conduit that Jesus is using. You are not the source of the fruit – He is. Keep that in mind and you will maintain a healthy perspective. You will also remain teachable.

Wisdom – You are simply crazy if you do not pray for wisdom. In both James and Proverbs, we are clearly told we will receive wisdom if we ask for it. If Solomon asked first for wisdom when faced with leading God’s people, then we should follow his example in our business.

Romans 8:29 – While most people like to quote Romans 8:28, verse 29 is one that I think is more important to remember. God wants to conform us to the likeness of His Son. We should pray that He is doing this on a daily basis. We should pray that we are allowing ourselves to be molded in that way. The more He is able to do this, the greater our impact will be in all we do.

Matthew 25:21 – Keeping the end goal in mind is a tremendous motivator. That is part of the reason to pray for clarity of purpose. But another way to do this is to pray this verse from the Parable of the Talents – when Jesus is talking to the servant that multiplied his talents.

Jesus says, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” If we will pray regularly for the opportunity to hear the same thing, then I believe our decisions, motives, and actions will fall more into line with His will.

What would you add to this prayer list?

Are you consistent in praying like you think you should be?

What should you change about your prayer life?

Alone Or In A Group – Which Is Best?

This is the fourth in a series of posts on recommendations I would make to someone at the beginning stages of deciding to use their business as a platform for Christian ministry. While this list of recommendations is not exhaustive, it should be a great start on which to build. Today we address joining a group.



So far, we have covered a lot of ground in this series. If you are just now joining us and have not read the other posts, you should go back and read them now. Here are the three recommendations we have discussed up to now:

    Recommendation #1 – Pray

    Recommendation #2 – Read Proverbs

    Recommendation #3 – Become An Expert

Each of these three recommendations build on each other so it is pretty important you follow them in the order presented. Of course, you do not have to fully complete one before you start the next one…just begin them in the order listed. Let’s talk about the next one.

Recommendation #4 – Join A Group

For the same reasons you need to join a church body when you become a Christian, I am recommending that you join a group of other Christian business owners and leaders. Just in case you are not clear on these specific reasons, I will go through them for you.

Fellowship – When you are able to spend time in fellowship with like-minded people, there is a bond that develops. You are able to discuss similar challenges and victories. You will find out that you are not alone in your struggles. You are not the only one with spiritual opposition to what you are trying to do through the business. This knowledge is empowering!

Accountability – In addition to learning that there are others in your same boat, you will figure out that making commitments for improvement is much more effective when you are making them to a group. It is difficult to face your peers and confess to lapses in judgment or failure to achieve objectives. The threat of having to do this will often be just the push you need to get you started on a project you have been delaying.

Perspective – When you hang out only with those people who have your same perspective (fellow employees or partners) on you business, you tend to all agree on solutions, strategy, etc. When you seek wisdom from a group with diverse perspectives, you will find solutions you never considered. You will be asked questions you would not have asked yourself. There is tremendous value in this.

Counsel – Proverbs repeats many times that we are to seek godly counsel. While reading God’s Word is a great source of godly counsel, so is a group of godly Christians. A solid group of Christian business people can provide wisdom and advice that will often confirm what you have read in the Bible or vice versa. Trying to go it alone is often a recipe for disaster.

Other Group Benefits

While there are likely many other benefits I could list, I think you get the idea. In fact, it is likely you already knew this to be the case and have experienced the results from a group like this in other areas of your life. I can promise you that you will see similar results from making this same idea a priority for your business.

I have mentioned many times on this blog that I am a member of a C12 group. In fact, both of my brothers are members of C12 groups as well. We have found immeasurable benefits to our commitments to these groups and would not give them up for anything. I have found C12 to be an integral part of our efforts to leverage our business as a platform for Christian ministry.

Do The Research!

If there is a C12 group in your area, I highly recommend you take the time to visit a meeting and see if it is a fit for you. If there is not a C12 group in your area, don’t stop there. Go online and find out if there is something similar available. Check with your church to see if there is a small group with business as the common denominator. If all else fails, start one yourself! Why not?!?

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:25

What benefits have you seen from being in a group setting?

What is stopping you from joining this kind of group?

What next step do you need to take?