My Confession Of Doubt And Frustration


I have a confession to make. Most of you reading this have never met me, but I will tell you that I am highly competitive and hate to lose. I strive to win and succeed at everything I do. Obviously, I am not always good enough to do so! Even worse, I am able to quickly lose my footing and fall into a pit of despair if I see myself losing. Doubt and frustration can set in quickly if I am not careful.

Why Is The Why Important?


Do you recognize the name Samuel Pierpont Langley? I am sure some of you do, but most people have never heard his name mentioned. Yet, if you lived at the beginning of the 20th century, his name would have been one you would quickly identify. Unfortunately for Langley, it was his “Why?” that is most likely responsible for his anonymity. The ideas in this post come largely from a TED talk by Simon Sinek in 2009.

Are You Glad They Killed Jesus?


I hope I got your attention with that headline. I intended to! I did it because too often we are lulled to sleep by the world around us. When this happens, we need a wake-up call. We need to shake the cobwebs out of our head and begin thinking clearly again. In this case, I want to do it by telling you that I am glad they killed Jesus!

7 Strategies For Christian Business Leaders To Engage Culture

engage culture

Sometimes the exact same image can communicate two totally opposite ideas or concepts. I recently posted about this picture, describing 7 Ways Christians In Business Kill Their Witness. In this post, I took the position that “blending” with the world was a recipe for trouble. Today, I want to take the opposite position – encouraging you to engage culture!

5 Often-Overlooked Truths for Christian Business Leaders

Christian business

The days get faster and faster sometimes. Deadlines and headaches rush at us at a high rate of speed. We do well just to survive to fight another day, right? It is in this kind of environment that Christian business owners or leaders can get so busy and we forget some key truths about our ministry. Hopefully, this post will remind you of some ideas you need to revisit.

Are You Wasting Your Freedom?


We have recently celebrated Memorial Day, a day we set aside to remember those who have sacrificed everything for our freedom. This is a very serious day and we all should have stopped in some way to honor our soldiers and their sacrifice. However, for some people, I wonder if this is actually a waste of time.

Will You Stand Up?


If you look around at the world we are living in today, you will see a lot of confusion and chaos. There is so much uncertainty and fear whether you look at politics, the economy, or most any other arena. It is in many ways a frightening time to live. On the other hand, this is an amazing time to live if we look at the opportunity from an eternal perspective. We simply have to stand.