15 Killer Ideas For Christian Ministry

In my last post, I described a house that had gas cans, lit candles, and exposed wiring throughout. We agreed that the owner of this house is clearly trying to create conditions for a fire to break out. We also looked at how this same idea applies to Christian ministry in our businesses if we are looking for eternal impact by pointing people toward God.

Christian ministry

Examples Of Christian Ministry

Today, I would like to give you some specific ideas about how we take this same approach in our business. I do not have the space to fully describe each item on the list. Instead, I will give a brief description and then, when possible, direct you to another post on this site that goes into more detail.

My hope is that you can take even just a couple of these ideas and adapt them to your business. If you have any questions or want to discuss them further, please comment below or send me an email. I will respond as quickly as I can!

    1. Mission Statement
    God is central to our company mission statement and core values.

    2. Chaplain program
    We offer chaplain services to our employees on a weekly basis through Corporate Chaplains of America. This service is incredible and has too many benefits to list here!

    3. Owners Manuals For Life
    We put a New Testament Bible in the glove box of every vehicle we sell. The cover says “Owners Manual For Life” and we have a note inside that explains how we believe it is the greatest book they will ever read. We don’t point it out to the customer, but let them find it later.

    4. Christ in Christmas Party
    We celebrate and have fun like other companies, but we also make sure there is a story or illustration at the end of the party that contains the gospel message to keep our focus on the real reason for the party.

    5. Christian magazines, Gospels of John in lounge
    We keep Christian magazines like “TwoTen” on the tables in the customer lounges at each of our stores. We also keep pocket-sized copies of the Gospel of John stocked there.

    6. Bible Studies
    Our chaplain (and sometimes our Controller) leads a weekly Bible study in the employee break room. We do one at lunch and one at breakfast so everyone has the opportunity to come, regardless of work schedule. We provide the food and we watch a video series followed by discussion.

    7. Devotions
    I go around to each department once a month and tell a quick story or illustration with a business and spiritual message woven in. These take five minutes or so and stay very light, but get great responses!

    8. Employee Newsletter
    I write an article for our employee newsletter once a month. In this article, I follow much the same pattern as the devotions mentioned above.

    9. Library
    We have a couple of library areas across our locations where we keep books for use by employees. Topics range from spiritual to family to parenting to business. If they are looking for a book we don’t have (and it fits our mission), then we will get it.

    10. Sponsorships
    We sponsor a number of faith-based organizations around our community. While these are mostly financial sponsorships, there are also opportunities to help with things other than money. Use of facilities, social media marketing, etc. are some examples.

    11. Car wash
    We host faith-based organizations on our parking lot and provide all necessary materials for them to hold a car wash fundraiser. They provide the labor and keep the revenue from the customers. We give a per-car donation as well.

    12. Open meetings with prayer
    We take time at the beginning of our sales meetings to open in prayer.

    13. Employee recognition
    We recognize employees who go above and beyond expectations outside of their job with a couple of awards – the RPM award and the Lightning Strike.

    14. Christian music
    Our overhead and on-hold music comes from a Pandora station with upbeat Christian music. It is not overwhelming, but provides a great atmosphere in the showroom and around the dealerships.

    15. Pay for volunteering
    We provide opportunities for employees to volunteer during community events we sponsor and pay them for half the time they spend doing so.

Not Everything

This is not everything we do to create the potential for eternal impact, but it should give you some ideas about what you can do in your business.

The idea I want to make sure I convey is that all of this does not happen at once. This is an accumulation of over ten years of intentional thought and action. We started small. You can do the same.

Progress Over Time

If you work at it over time, your business will look like the house described in my last post. Everywhere you turn, you will see potential for Christian ministry to happen. You will also realize that it is good for business!

Comment below and let me know what you would add to this list! Have a question, ask it! I would love to engage in conversation about this.

Danger: Highly Flammable!

Let me ask you a question. What would you think if you walked into someone’s house and saw gas cans scattered all over the place in seemingly random places? What if you looked closer and began to notice exposed wiring sticking out of various holes in the walls? If you also noticed lit candles and other flammable materials sitting on various tables and shelves, what would your thoughts be?


Extreme Picture?

Clearly, this is an extreme picture and one that is not likely to happen. However, if you did walk into a house that looked like this, what would you conclude? Would you assume the owner of the house had a death wish or that he was looking for a big insurance payoff?

Regardless of his final goal, you would have to conclude that he was interested in starting a fire, right? There would be no other reasonable conclusion that I can imagine. In fact, if it WAS his goal to have start a fire, you would probably give him an “A” for effort, right?

There Is A Point

I know this is a silly illustration, but there is a point that I want to make. In our businesses, I believe it is to be our goal to bring glory to God. While business is a worthy pursuit by itself, I believe the reward we receive at the end of this life will be based on our impact on eternity, not on the size of our business.

For me, this means that I want to run a profitable business that is healthy and growing, but I want to do this for the purpose of pointing people to God. I love business and know that God has placed me in a family business because that is where my talents can be used.

Bigger Purpose For Business

At the same time, I believe there is a bigger purpose for our business. I believe I will hear, “Well done” from Jesus at the end of this life if I have successfully run the business in a way that maximized eternal impact. This idea is my “Why” and is what drives me from day to day.

So, if that is the case, what does this have to do with a house full of highly flammable materials apparently laid out in such a way as to maximize the chances of fire breaking out? Actually, the answer is simple.

Spiritually Flammable!

I believe we can do the very same thing with our businesses. I am not talking about trying to burn them down. No, I am saying that we should sprinkle spiritually “flammable materials” around our businesses that will increase the likelihood of this eternal impact happening.

Think about it. All it takes is for us to think strategically about how we can impact people for eternity through the uniqueness of our business. We can just start small and take it slow. It does not have to happen all at one time. The little things will add up over a period of time!

Start Small

Maybe the first step is a process or policy that goes beyond the norm in taking care of your employees or coworkers. Maybe it is simply the presence of a Bible in the waiting area or a Bible verse on your business card. Get creative!

Whatever the starting point, be intentional and persistent over time. Eventually you will look around and see potential for impact everywhere. Before you know it, God is working through these “flammable materials” to draw people to Him, sometimes without your knowledge!

Positive Impact

Nothing I am recommending should be a negative impact on your business. In fact, many of those “flammable materials” that you initially wonder about will eventually prove to be a positive impact on the business. God has a way of making this happen!

I guess the bottom line is that we have to see the spiritually “flammable” potential in our business. Regardless of the nature of your business, I guarantee you can come up with ways to do this if you will take some time to brainstorm it. Pray for wisdom in this area and see what God will do to answer that prayer.

When He does, trust Him and act! Start small, but start. Don’t look back years from now and regret all of the missed opportunities you had to point people toward Him!

Do you see your business as having this kind of potential?

If not, isn’t it time you started?

If so, what spiritually flammable materials have you spread in your business?

Unity In Diversity

In a recent post, we looked at how diversity of skills, perspectives, gifts, etc. is necessary for an organization to achieve it purposes. If you have not read it yet, I would recommend doing that now. Today, I want to look at how diversity may not be enough. We also need unity.


All-Stars Without Diversity

In the other post, I described a hypothetical situation where the Atlanta Falcons signed five new all-star players for their roster. All five were quarterbacks. The leadership of the team knew they did not need five quarterbacks, but instead planned to play these all-stars in the offensive line positions.

I talked about how ridiculous this would be (if it were true) and how ineffective it would be to put quarterbacks on the offensive line. I don’t think anyone argued about this opinion.

Same True For Business

We then looked at the parallels between a football team and our businesses. Regardless the organization, we agreed that we needed among our members a diversity of skills, perspectives, gifts, etc. if we want the team to be effective.

While this is true, there is more to the picture.

What About Unity Of Purpose?

Think about this. Assume for a moment the Falcons did not sign five quarterbacks, but instead had all of the best skilled players in the league for each position and had them playing in the right positions. Sounds much better, right?

Well, now assume the quarterback had decided he was going to set a new record for the most rushing yards for a quarterback. The running back set his goal as the most receiving touchdowns in a season. The linemen determined they would seek the record for the fewest injuries in a season for an offensive line. The coach is convinced he can orchestrate the most come-from-behind wins in one season.

Do you get the idea? If each player has a different goal – even if it is a valid, challenging goal – then the team will self-destruct! Can you imagine what a game would look like for this team?

Unity In Business

The same principles apply in our businesses. If we hire the best people and put them in the right positions according to their skills or gifts, we are starting off on the right foot.

However, if we do not work just as hard to make sure they all have the exact same overall goals in mind, we are simply setting ourselves up for failure. There is no way for an organization to be successful in achieving the purposes for which it was created if the members of that organization have varied goals.

Take a look at your own organization. Does everyone have the same goals as you do? Are these goals communicated clearly and consistently? Do you make corrections to the goals of those on your team as it becomes evident they are different from those of the team?

What Does Scripture Say?

In case you are wondering what the Bible says about this principle of unity, I suggest we go there to find out. In fact, we can use part of the same passage of Scripture to illustrate this point on unity as we did for the point about diversity. Take a look:

But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
1 Corinthians 12:24-26

Note the following phrases:

    God has put the body together…
    there should be no division in the body…
    its parts should have equal concern for each other…
    if one part suffers, every part suffers…

I think it becomes clear that diversity is important, but it must be combined with unity if we are going to be effective. The right skills in the right positions, all with a common goal, can achieve amazing results!

Which is more of a problem for your team: unity or diversity?

What action step do you need to take to begin correcting this?

Is your team aware of the need for change?

How Productive Are You?

I recently attended a meeting with other car dealers and one of the common topics of conversation was employee productivity. We discussed it from several angles and tried to quantify how much more value there is in a productive employee versus one that is not. When you look at the numbers, it is amazing the difference.


Am I Productive?

As I thought about this idea, I wondered how productive I am on a consistent basis. I thought about the various distractions I have during a normal day and how those distractions often destroy my efforts to be productive! Have you ever experienced these distractions?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt guilty! The thought that struck me the most was the following question:

Would I be more productive if I knew I was being videotaped for all other employees to watch?

As I thought about this question, I realized that I would probably be embarrassed if everyone at our company knew how many times I allowed myself to be distracted in a given day. If they knew how often I was not very productive, they would probably hang me!

What about you? Would you be more productive if you were being watched? Can you think of areas where you allow distractions to keep you from being productive? Have you thought about this before?

How To Be More Productive

Immediately, my mind began working on this new problem. How can I begin eliminating the distractions that I encounter every day? How can I ensure more work is done per hour while I am at work? What precautions should I take to avoid distractions in the first place? How productive could I be if I faced 75% fewer distractions?

Maybe your mind does not work like this, but mine went into overdrive! Keep in mind that all I am describing happened in seconds in my head. I went from zero to sixty miles an hour in a few seconds!

My next step was to start listing my distractions. As I did this in my head, I came to a startling realization…

These distractions had names.

Specific Distractions!

When I say they had names, I do not mean names like “coffee break” or “Facebook” or anything like that. I mean they had actual names like “John” and “Barbara” and “Charlie” (actual names changed to protect the innocent!).

I realized that the majority of my “distractions” – the causes of those times when I was less productive – were actually people. These people, in most cases, are people I am impacting for eternity in one way or another. These people, if I am truly honest and focused on what’s most important, are not distractions at all!

Now What?

At this point I stopped. I quickly went from sixty miles an hour back down to zero. I just sat there, thinking. I imagine you might be doing the very same right now.

I will tell you right now that I do not have the answer to this problem. I cannot give you a simple, fact-based prescription to the problem of balancing relationships on the job with the off-setting reduction in productive time. If you know it and can present it concisely, please feel free to do so in the comment section below. We would all appreciate it!

What I can tell you is that the issue of begin productive is not as simple as it looked at the beginning of this post. Clearly, there is more to this than can be quantified with a ratio or metric from a financial statement.

Start At The Beginning

In an effort to sort through this, let’s review what we do know.

First, this world is temporary. That means that everything in this world is also temporary – including our jobs and businesses.

Second, people (our souls, not our physical bodies) are eternal. Even after this world is gone, we will continue to exist. Where, and with Whom, we exist depends upon where we place our trust during this life.

When we truly understand these two issues, it becomes more clear whether it is more important to be productive on our jobs or to impact others for eternity. There really is no arguing as to whether it is more important to produce an extra two widgets per hour or to point someone toward the God who loves them. Do we agree on that?

There’s More To It…

If it were only that simple then we would not even need to discuss this.

It is not that simple. Just consider the following Scripture:

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.
Ephesians 6:5-8

Working For Christ

In this passage, we are told to work as if we are working for Christ Himself. We are not necessarily excused from allowing distractions to keep us from being productive for our supervisors or the company owners – even if the distraction is an eternal one!

No, we cannot simply blow off our work because we see our “distractions” as eternal souls and want to point them to God. At the same time, we cannot ruthlessly eliminate all of our “distractions” for the purpose of being productive in a temporary pursuit. This has to be a Both/And effort rather than an Either/Or one.

Both/And Opportunity

We do not have to choose EITHER having an eternal impact on those around us OR being productive for our employers. While it will take creativity to make it work, it can happen that BOTH are achieved.

We need to do the best we can to BOTH eliminate all non-eternal distractions to increase our productivity AND respond to those around us in a way that points them to God. Take some time today and brainstorm this. Think about ways to increase your productive time AND to increase your influence on those around you.

I look forward to hearing about the results!

Are you as productive as you should be?

Do you have similar “distractions”?

What ideas have you come up with to balance productivity and eternal influence?

Are You Acting As Salt And Light?

For the past couple of years, I have written this blog as an attempt to enlighten, educate, encourage, and enlist other Christian business owners and leaders to recognize God as the owner of their jobs and businesses and that He desires an eternal purpose to be accomplished through these jobs and businesses. Another way to describe this process came from Jesus when He told us to be salt and light in this world.

salt and light

Salt And Light

Near the beginning of His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told his followers (and us) to be salt and light in this world. He drew on two different analogies to show us that we are to stand out in this world. We are to make a difference wherever He has placed us and that difference should point others to Him (Matthew 5:13-16).

Paul tells us later that we are no longer to conform to the pattern of this world (Romans 12:2). He reinforces this idea when he describes us as new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17), the old gone.


So how do we translate this idea of being salt and light into running a business? What does salt and light mean on Monday morning when decisions are to be made and strategies formed?

Great questions! I am glad you asked!

Of course, I am not the expert on this. Nor do I have the answers…at least not the perfect answers. If you do, please let me know. I would be very interested in hearing from you!

For those of us who do not have all the answers, I think the best we can do is to pray through each area and open our hearts and minds to what God has to say to us about it. If we are open to learn, will read His Word, AND be ready and willing to apply what we learn, then I am confident He will answer.

May Look Different For You

Keep in mind that being salt and light in my business may look very different than being salt and light in yours. God has given each of us different gifts, areas of influence, and circumstances. To think we can apply one rule across all businesses would be crazy.

At the same time, I think there are some core truths that we can apply to various areas of the business. These truths can help someone in the automotive business to be salt and light in one way while they may lead someone in banking or construction to do so in a different way.

The Main Point!

Regardless of the methods or processes used, as long as others are caused to “glorify God in heaven” as a result, I believe we are doing it right. In fact, if that is not happening as a result of the way we operate our businesses, I believe we are failing in our efforts to be disciples of Jesus.

Since this whole topic can cover a multitude of areas of business, and each could be lengthy, I am going to attempt to cover one or two areas at a time in future posts. These posts will not run in a continuous series, but I will make it clear when they are published that they are part of this overall series.

What Does It Mean To You?

In the meantime, I encourage you to pray that God will begin revealing to you where you can make changes in your job or business. Ask Him to begin making it clear where you can take action for the purpose of being salt and light. Where can your business stand out and be different – in a way that points others to God?

I think you may be surprised at how He will reveal this to you over time. Just when you are not expecting it, something will stick out like a sore thumb and you will know – an opportunity for salt and light! For a starter list, take a look at the following areas of a typical business. Allow God to show you opportunities in each to be salt and light.

Areas To Consider

    EE Benefits
    Product Quality
    Service Quality

How are you living out the salt and light command?

Can you see where you could do this at work?

Is the failure to do this a sin?

Are You A Worthy Example To Follow?

Recently, my wife and I were out of town on a date and wanted to get some dinner and do a little shopping. We knew where we wanted to shop and that restaurants were likely nearby, but we did not know how to get there. So, like any intelligent adult that can, we decided to blindly follow the navigation system in my truck. Bad idea.


Follow Bad Directions?

Evidently, the store we sought had moved to a new location and had failed to notify my truck. In fact, when we arrived at our “destination,” we found that ALL of the businesses formerly in that area had decided to move…and a neighborhood was put in their place! There are few things more frustrating than to follow bad directions.

Folks, this is so true for us as Christian business leaders as well! Look back to my last post. In it, we discussed taking Paul’s advice and imitating another Christian who is ahead of us in their walk with Jesus. If you are not taking this advice, I urge you to find someone worthy to follow.

However, today I want to turn the focus back on us. Let’s assume you are taking Paul’s advice and you have decided to follow another, more mature disciple of Jesus. Great! You should give yourself a pat on the back for making a good decision.

Does Anyone Follow You?

Before you hurt yourself though, turn it around and ask yourself if anyone has decided to follow you. No matter where you are on your walk with Jesus, there is someone else that is behind you (earlier in their walk). Assuming this is true, are you walking in such a way as to be a worthy example to follow?

See, Paul’s advice really is good advice to follow. And at the same time it is good for us to see ourselves in both roles – the follower AND the leader. We should follow those who are more spiritually mature and lead for those who are less spiritually mature.

Don’t Feel Responsible?

Unfortunately, some people don’t mind deciding to follow someone else, but they don’t feel responsible for being the example for others. This may be due to feeling to new at being a disciple of Christ. It could also be a aversion to the responsibility that comes with being an example.

Whatever the case, we cannot shirk this responsibility. Jesus even touches on this in the following verse:

But whoever causes the downfall of one of these little ones who believe in Me—it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depths of the sea!
Matthew 18:6

We Are Responsible!

Folks, we are in a position of leadership whether we like it or not. We have influence (intentional or not) with others and therefore we are responsible for how our behavior affects theirs. No, we cannot keep everyone else from sinning, but we can be diligent in making sure our behavior does not cause it!

The point here is that we should strive to live a life that is worthy of having someone else follow. We should be sensitive to any activity that may cause someone else to stumble. Look at Paul’s words to this point:

Therefore, if food causes my brother to fall, I will never again eat meat, so that I won’t cause my brother to fall.
1 Corinthians 8:13

It is a noble thing not to eat meat, or drink wine, or do anything that makes your brother stumble.
Romans 14:21

They Should Want To Follow!

Not only should we avoid that which will cause our brothers to stumble, but we should also strive to do that which will help them grow. Yes, avoid the sin that could lead them astray. Also do those things that they should imitate!

It is imperative that we remember there are others who may follow our example – both good and bad. While it might give us relief to ignore this fact, the truth remains. We are responsible for our behavior and should act accordingly.

I believe the best approach is to embrace this truth. Get excited that someone may decide to follow you! With humility and prayer, begin plotting out a course that you know is worthy of imitation. Then praise God when someone decides to follow! He will give you the strength to handle it!

Do you accept responsibility for being an example to follow?

What do you need to change to be a more worthy example?

Do you have some successes stories from those who follow you?

Who Are You Imitating?

Imagine someone offered to pay you handsomely if you would give them a shirt or a dress. The only catch is that they require you to make it on your own! If you had to take a bolt of fabric and thread, cutting and sewing it together yourself, how would you do it? If you are smart, you would find a pattern and follow it, right? The same is true for imitating other people!


Eyes On The Prize

In my last post, we talked about keeping our eyes on the prize. This is great advice for us to take from Paul, but sometimes it is tough to visualize. What exactly does it look like for us to get the prize. While I can certainly picture a scene with Jesus telling me, “Well done!”, it is tough for me to imagine exactly what it looks like between here and there.

Have you thought about this? Have you tried to imagine the various steps taken and decisions made between your current self and the one that hears Jesus say, “Well done!”? I have done this and it is not easy. In fact, it is downright difficult!

Paul As An Example

The funny thing? Paul knew this. He knew it would be difficult for most people to closely follow the commands of Jesus without an example of how to do it. While Paul himself was not perfect, he was fully committed to living according the example Jesus had set. Therefore he offered himself as an example.

Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1

If he were following Jesus and others were imitating him, then it could work, right? While this sounds like a simple idea, it is not necessarily easy for us.

In fact, for us it sometimes seems that imitating Paul could be just as difficult as imitating Jesus! Of course, Paul was sinful just like the rest of us (Romans 7:15-25), but so much of what we learn from him is flat out hard to put into practice. Plus, we can’t sit and physically talk to him for advice when we get stuck!

Imitating Another

It is for these reasons that I recommend we follow Paul’s advice, but we apply it to present day. Rather than (only) imitating Paul, I recommend we find someone we know that is living out the example of Christ and begin imitating them.

Sure, there are pitfalls to this practice. They are the same pitfalls you encounter when you put anyone other than Jesus on the pedestal as an example. At the same time, if we can know this and protect ourselves accordingly, I think there is value in this exercise.

Potential Pitfalls

First, to avoid the pitfalls associated with this idea, we need to choose someone we know about and trust. We need to know that they more mature spiritually and truly are attempting to follow the example of Jesus. Someone that is simply morally good, but not a disciple of Jesus, will only lead us astray. Eventually, it is likely that their own morals will conflict with Biblical principles.

Assuming you know someone that is truly following the example of Christ, then you also need to be able to observe their behavior. Being able to talk with them about it and understand their motivations is even better. Having them agree to mentor you along the path would be the ultimate goal!

Right Expectations

Another key to avoiding trouble with imitating someone else is to know in your heart (and not forget) that a man (or woman) will always let you down. There is simply no way (short of imitating the example of Jesus) to find a human that can rightly lead you at all times and through all circumstances.

They will stumble. They will fall. They may even crash and burn. That is due to our sinful nature and there is nothing you can do to change it. The only thing you can do is to acknowledge it and protect yourself against it. Do not rely too heavily on their example. Do not put time with them ahead of your time with God.

You Are Unique

A final note that you need to consider when imitating someone else is that you are you. Sounds silly, I know. But the truth is that God created you as a totally unique individual with a combination of gifts, talents, and weaknesses that no one else on earth has ever possessed. You are the only you that God has ever created. He will never create another you!

That means that you need to remember you are only imitating this godly example, not copying them. Your goal should not be to become anyone else. Remember that you are unique and should remain that way. Imitating their voice is fine, but don’t lose your own unique accent. Imitating their actions is likely good, but don’t forget your distinct mannerisms!

You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)! God has plan for you that is only for you (Psalm 139:15-16). Embrace this! It is an awesome truth and no one can take it from you.

Imitating Jesus (And Others)

And while becoming the you that God designed you to be, take the opportunity to follow the example of others He has placed in your path. Imitating Jesus is certainly to be your first priority (1 John 2:6), but don’t ignore Paul’s advice as well. Imitating others can be a healthy part of your maturing process.

Have you considered imitating someone else?

Do you have someone you are already imitating?

What have you learned during this experience?

Are You Living The Truth You Know?

In my last post, we looked at Apostle Paul’s resume and talked about how he thought of it as filth and counted it as loss. My goal was to get us to take a look at the goals we have for our lives and compare them to what we see in Scripture. Like Paul, we should be heading in a different direction from the world. If not, are we applying the truth we know to the lives we live?


***If you have not read my last post, you might want to do that now [HERE] so you are on the same page as the rest of us.

Accountability From Scripture

Just to make sure we do not escape the accountability that Scripture gives us, let’s take a look at another verse that comes up just after the ones we looked at last time:

In any case, we should live up to whatever truth we have attained.
Philippians 3:16

Now, that is a pretty short verse, but I think it is also a very powerful one. Do you get the meaning? Paul is telling us that attaining truth, or gaining knowledge, is not enough. We cannot simply know something and leave it at that. We have to also apply it! We must LIVE UP TO IT!

Truth Applied

Therefore, if we know that this world cannot offer us anything eternal and that only a life lived for Christ will survive the fire that is to come, then our lives should reflect this knowledge (1 Corinthians 3:11-15).

And as an extension, our business lives should also reflect this knowledge.

Assuming you agree with me at this point, or at least are willing to read more before making a decision, let’s take a look at some key areas where we might be likely to exhibit inconsistencies in our workplace.

Potential Areas Of Inconsistency

It is in these areas that many of us fail to fully live up to the truth we have attained. As you read through these areas, think about your own work life and how you might need to rethink your approach to some of them.

1. Business Mission
Every business book will tell you that the purpose of a business, the reason it exists, is to produce a profit. It is similarly believed that the main purpose of a job is to provide income.

I believe the Bible says otherwise. I think the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) shows us that a business exists to produce a return for its owner. The problem is that we are not the actual owners…God is the owner (Psalm 50:10-12). And as the owner, He wants a return.

Since God already has all of the money in the world, I believe He wants what He does not already have – souls. I believe the Bible shows us that the purpose of our business (or job) is to impact others (souls) for eternity by pointing them to God. Sure, income and profit are necessary to sustain us and our businesses, but they are not the purpose.

2. Money
Even those of us that agree with #1 above can still fall victim to erroneous thinking about money. We may see the eternal purpose of business, but then turn right around and hoard the money that comes from it. It is not always one big decision that we make, but the accumulation of a bunch of little ones.

One of the questions in the C12 Yearly Audit I recently shared with you talks about becoming less acquisitive. When we are assessing our lives in light of the truth we know, we should look hard at our use of money.

Are we freely giving it to those who have needs greater than ours? Are we treating it as stewards of it rather than owners? If pressed, are we more likely to leverage it for eternity or spend it on temporary pleasure or luxury? We likely know what this SHOULD look like, but are we living up to the truth we have attained?

3. Time
An area of our lives that often receives less focus is time. We tend to spend it even more frivolously than we do our money. We often fail to budget it. Even when we do budget it, we frequently allocate too much of it to the wrong uses.

Think about your calendar. What types of activities get the most preference as you schedule out your time? How much time are you committing to a personal relationship with God, the owner of all you steward?

Does your family get more than adequate time or are they generally the last to receive a ration of minutes? Is the time they do receive considered your higher quality time or your leftovers? Would they answer the same way you are right now?

Other Areas?

I can keep on going, but I think you get the idea. I encourage you to take some time and come up with some of your own areas of inconsistency. Pray through each of these and ask God to help you see clearly into each one. He is faithful to do so.

Once you have seen the truth, apply it. Live up to it. Don’t simply accept it and move on from it. Stop and take action. Map out a plan to make corrections over time if the initial results are too overwhelming to take in at once.

In any case, we all should live up to whatever truth we have attained!

What other areas of inconsistency did you consider?

How do you make sure you apply the truth you attain?

Where do you need to take more action?

What Does Your Future Need From You?

Every once in a while, if you will just listen, you will hear a great line that will stick with you. Sometimes it comes from where you least expect it. Other times, you are listening for it. Either way, when you hear it, you know you need to burn it into your mind and apply it as quickly as possible. I heard one today about the future. I have to share it!


Greatness Takes Time!

Years ago, I heard a similar line that stuck with me – “The best time to plant an oak tree was 10 years ago. The next best time is now!” This line communicates the idea that greatness rarely happens overnight.

Greatness takes time and energy. It also takes forethought. If we never consider our future as we plan our current activities, then we will miss a lot of opportunities at greatness!

Question About Your Future

In light of that, I want to share what I heard today. While the idea is similar, I believe the more personal nature of today’s question can be even more impactful!

We have recently hired a good friend of mine to train our sales staff at the dealerships. I have come to truly respect the gifts that God has given him related to training and interacting with others. Once you have spent five minutes with him, you know he is a gifted communicator and that he is close to the Lord.

Just this morning, as he was encouraging our sales staff to start doing those activities that will pay dividends in the future, he asked a question about the future that grabbed my attention. Of course, as quickly as this question grabbed my attention, he lost me. From that point on, I was only thinking about his question! Here it is:

What is the five-years-from-now version of you begging you to start doing right now?!?

Future Questions

If you remember, I said he was a gifted communicator, not an English major! Regardless, I think you get the point. Try to imagine yourself five, ten, or twenty years from now. What would that version of you beg you to start doing right now?

What habits would he ask you to create?

Where would she plead with you to begin investing your time and energy?

What would he beg you to stop doing?

What might she urge you to begin learning?

Obviously, these are only a few of the questions that come to mind. If you spend any time at all thinking about this idea, then I am sure you can come up with more.

Take Time To Think

I encourage you to stop and take some time to think about this question. Think about the future you and what your desires and needs might be. Think about how your goals will likely change. Try to discern the best way for the current you to begin laying the groundwork.

As you do this, pray through it. Ask God to give you insights that you have not had before now. Ask Him for wisdom regarding your future and how He wants to use you in it. Finally, pray that He will give you the strength of commitment that you need in order to start on this new path.

I won’t promise anything, but I believe I see a few new posts coming from my own meditating over this question. I will share in future posts whatever comes up!

What are the first thoughts that come to your mind?

Have you thought about your future this way before?

Are you committed to lay groundwork for your future?

What If You Won The Lottery?

The other day I was thinking about all of the worthy Christian ministry organizations I have become aware of in the past several years (e.g. TrueLife Mission). I thought about how much money they are all trying to raise in order to accomplish the mission God has given them. At one point I even thought about how much I could help them if I could just win the lottery!


Not About The Lottery!

Now before you start commenting one way or the other on the morality of a lottery or anything like that, please know that this post is not at all about the lottery itself. We are simply going to take a look, in this post AND the next one, at how we would (and should) handle such enormous wealth if it were at our disposal.

Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever dreamed of winning the lottery? I have and I don’t even play it! In fact, I have thought often about what I would do with that kind of money. Whether it came from a sudden windfall (like the lottery) or even from a successful business endeavor – what would you do with a huge sum of money?

Failed Previous Winners?

Certainly, when you look at the stories of many of those who HAVE won the lottery, it is sad to see how it has so often destroyed the winners. So many lottery winners have had a short and wild ride, but then end up in worse financial condition than they were in before the lottery paid them.

Reasons For Failure

There are many reasons for this, I am sure. One, they are not trained in how to handle such large sums of money. Another reason may be that with their additional income, they likely see themselves in another “class” of people. They feel they have to spend more to keep up with these people.

I am sure they also underestimate how expensive the higher class lifestyle can be. The more expensive house comes with higher property taxes, higher utilities and maintenance costs, etc. The expenses begin to snowball before they even realize what has happened.

An obvious reason is likely that they are not focused on what God would have them do with the money. While some are charitable to a point, many spend more of their time trying to protect their wealth from anything or anyone that may threaten it rather than seeing how they could give more.

It Would Be Different!

If you have ever thought about what you would do if you won the lottery, then you have likely told yourself you would never let those things happen to you, right?

You have probably said, like I have, that you would first tithe on the winnings. Then you would probably plan to give away a huge portion of the lottery winnings to other organizations. I have picked out several mission organizations that would benefit from my lottery winnings.

Debts Gone!

You likely determined that the next amount would be carved out to pay off all of your debt. Then, you would probably be determined not to let that debt get so high ever again. If you cannot afford something with your new lottery winnings, then you just won’t buy it!

You have also probably said that you would never allow your expenses to outrun your winnings – even unexpected expenses. You probably decided, like I did, that you would carve out another portion for savings – to be used in the event of an emergency. This is just smart thinking, right?

Avoid the “Jones'” Trap!

I would also bet you thought about how you would not allow yourself to fall into the trap of trying to keep up with others (the Jones’) who had similar or greater incomes. In fact, you have probably determined that this winning would not really change who you are or how you live today (for the most part).

Finally, if you are like me, you probably decided you would set aside some of the money for those small, unpredictable times when someone you know is in need. You would want to be able help those around you when they come upon a crisis and with your newfound wealth, that should not be a problem.

What Else?

If I have left anything out, please let me know in the comments. Otherwise, stay tuned for the next post where we look at what I think we SHOULD do if we were to win the lottery. You may have some idea of where I am headed with this…we’ll see!

Have you thought about this?

What thoughts would you add?

What would you offer for our next post’s discussion?