What Do You Do When The Boss Is Not Looking?


As an employer, I have a unique ability to change the tone of the room, or the behavior of those in the room, just by walking in! Whether I like it or not, I have come to realize that my presence, as the boss, changes people’s behavior. I think it is human nature to act differently when the boss is not looking.

3 Simple Keys To Teaching God’s Word


Establish The Goal First

If you have been following this series on the command to Christian business leaders to be teachers, then you have probably been waiting to hear exactly HOW we are to do this. While I cannot adequately cover ALL of the HOW of teaching in one post, I believe I can get you started on the right path. You can figure out the rest with God’s leading!

How Do You React To “No”?


Have you ever been in the grocery store when a mother has told her toddler “No, you cannot do that!” All I can say is that the picture is not normally very pretty after that, right? For the next several minutes, if she is lucky, the toddler pitches a fit and throws a tantrum in an effort to convince her otherwise. Unfortunately, we often react the same way!

What Are Your Motives?


As I said in my last post, God got my attention over ten years ago and changed the trajectory of my life. He made it clear that I was to begin working toward a vision of using our business as a platform for Christian ministry. From the beginning of this journey, my motives have been to do just that. My goal has been to one day hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

5 Tough Questions You Need To Answer

tough questions

Every once in a while, I like to mix things up a little. Today’s post is one of those times. Rather than writing a post that tells you my thoughts and gives you my opinions, I am going to ask you a series of tough questions and let you come to your own conclusions. My hope and prayer is that these questions will lead you to action.

5 Crucial Marks of Faithful Christians in Business

christians in business

Have you ever made so many copies of copies of something that you eventually end up with a copy that barely resembles the original? Sometimes that is the way I think we can be as Christians – even Christians in business. Maybe we model ourselves after someone else who has modeled themselves after someone else. Eventually, we lose our resemblance to the original – Jesus!

Will You Stand Up?


If you look around at the world we are living in today, you will see a lot of confusion and chaos. There is so much uncertainty and fear whether you look at politics, the economy, or most any other arena. It is in many ways a frightening time to live. On the other hand, this is an amazing time to live if we look at the opportunity from an eternal perspective. We simply have to stand.