3 Reasons That Silence Is Not An Option In A Christian Business

This post is the fourth in a series of posts that come from the material I recently used in a presentation I made to a small group of Christian business owners and leaders in Chandigarh, India.

The focus of this material is also the focus of this blog – God’s call for us to run our businesses as a platform for Christian ministry.

Hopefully, after reading this series of posts, you will agree that it is God’s will that we run His businesses as stewards with an eternal perspective. You should also have a better understanding of what a Christian business looks like in today’s marketplace.

Christian business

What Does The Bible Say?

Anytime we want to determine the heart of God, the first place to start is with His Word.  If He has already said it, then we are in no position to question it.

Reason #1: The Great Commission

After Jesus was crucified and resurrected, He appeared to the disciples.  Just before ascending into heaven, Jesus gave them their marching orders through what is called the Great Commission below.  I believe these are our marching orders as well.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all I have commanded you.  And I will be with you always, even to the end of the earth. – Matthew 28:19-20

We are all, as Christians, commanded to go to the nations and make disciples.  This is not a suggestion or a request.  It is a command.  This does not mean that we are all to sell our possessions and move overseas to be missionaries.  There are plenty of opportunities to make disciples right here where we are. We just have to look around.

Reason #2: Ambassadors For Christ

Let’s continue to see what Scripture has to say. Take a look at this verse from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians:

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, certain that God is appealing through us. We plead on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God.” He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. – 2 Corinthians 5:20-21

As you likely know, ambassadors have a job that requires them to be proactive. They are to live in a foreign land, learn the culture, and represent their king or government to the foreign people. They are not to move to the foreign country and remain quiet about the desires of their king. Neither are we!

As Christian business owners and leaders, we are to live and work in this culture, but we are to recognize that this is not our home. We are to represent our King to the people of this culture. This certainly includes those in the workplace!

Reason #3: Walking As Jesus Did

Finally, I want you to look at the following verse from 1 John. I think this is just as clear as the verses above!

Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did. – 1 John 2:6

I don’t think this is referring to walking in sandals. My take on this verse is that we are to walk according to the Father’s will, no matter what we are doing. I believe this applies to our businesses as much as it applies to every other part of our lives.

If you believe that Scripture is God’s Word and that, as followers of Christ, we are to obey that Word, then I do not see silence in business as an option for us. We simply must do as we are commanded and Go!

Icing on the Cake: Barna Research

According to a recent survey by George Barna and his research group, almost 40% of American adults are classified as “unchurched,” meaning they have not attended a conventional church more than once in the past year.  Even worse, only 15% of adults surveyed considered their faith in God as their top priority in life!  It appears the field is ripe for making disciples and being ambassadors right where we are!

The Christian Business Opportunity

For typical business leaders, most of our time is allocated to our work.  We carve out some for family and leave a little left over for church on Sunday.  While some Christian business leaders may buck this trend, they are in the minority. That being the case, does it not make sense to fulfill the Great Commission exactly where we spend most of our time – in our business?

What better way for us as Christian business leaders to reach those people (customers and employees) than through our business?  If we exercise and example our love for God through the way we run our business, maybe we can connect with them in a way (and in an environment) they have not found in a church.

Have you considered your responsibility to make disciples?

Do you see opportunity in your business to impact others in this way?

What are your obstacles to doing this?

Why You May Not Like Tim Tebow!

I had the opportunity to attend the live event for the Chick-Fil-A Leadercast this past Friday. It was a fantastic chance to turn off my work mind for a day and learn from proven leaders. With a slate of 12 or more speakers, it was also easy to find plenty of leadership material for this blog. One of the first items that stood out came from Coach Urban Meyer, former Florida Gators football coach. He finally answered the question I have had for years – Why do so many people dislike Tim Tebow?


Tebow Is Clear About His Faith

If you follow sports at all, you clearly know of Tim Tebow. If you know of Tim Tebow, then you also know about his faith in Jesus Christ. You see, Tebow is open and up front about what he believes. His banner is clear. There is no question about where he stands on the issue of his faith.

You may not agree on his skill as a quarterback. Actually, Tebow is not concerned about that. He will tell you straight up that he is not concerned with his recognition as a great quarterback. No, his main concern is that you know where he stands with Jesus.

Is Tebow Too Vocal?

This is the very problem, some people will say. They say that he is too vocal. Many believe that Tebow should quiet down about his faith and just let his play on the football field do the talking. In fact, many Christians believe we should all keep our faith to ourselves, that it is a private matter. If we will just do this, they say, there will be more peace and tolerance.

Let’s put that argument on hold for a moment and get back to Coach Urban Meyer’s answer to the question, “Why do so many people dislike Tim Tebow?” When asked this question by Soledad O’Brien, CNN journalist, Coach Meyer responded insightfully. In fact, his answer makes total sense to me.

Urban Meyer Tells Why

Meyer first talked about his respect for Tim Tebow and the kind of man he is. He explained how Tebow had taught him more in their four years together than Meyer had learned in the 44 years prior! Finally, Meyer answered O’Brien’s question.

Meyer said Tebow is the kind of man that forces people to look inward, to self-evaluate.

Think about that. That statement says volumes! In fact, it is almost an exact match, in meaning, to a quote from Jim Elliot that I shared with you several days earlier! Look at this quote from Elliot’s prayer journal again…

Father, make of me a crisis man. Bring those I contact to decision. Let me not be a milepost on a single road; make me a fork, that men must turn one way or another on facing Christ in me.

Tim Tebow Is A Crisis Man

I don’t know about you, but I cannot get that quote out of my head. When I heard Meyer’s answer, this quote was the first thing that popped into my mind. It is clear to me that Tim Tebow is a “crisis man.” Whether he is familiar with this quote from Jim Elliot or not, I am betting that he has prayed a similar prayer. If so, God has clearly answered it.

For me, there are two take-aways from this post.

Take Away #1

The first is that too many people are uncomfortable with looking inward and self-evaluation. When forced to do so by people like Tim Tebow, they get frustrated, even angry. Unfortunately, this group of people includes Christians and non-Christians alike! This simply should not be so!

I think we should all commit to looking inwardly and self-evaluating on a regular basis. Just like the Psalmist, we should ask God to help us with this (Psalm 139:23-24). We cannot grow in our conforming to the likeness of Christ without doing this!

Take Away #2

The second take away is that I think we are all commanded to shine our lights. Scripture is clear that we are the light and this light is not to be hidden (Matthew 5:14-16). I am not recommending a run on bullhorns at the local sporting goods store! I am, however, suggesting that we all step up our game when it comes to raising our banner. Silence is not an option.

Are you willing to be a “crisis” man or woman?

How are you shining your light in your work?

If hidden, when are you going to uncover your light?

Christian Business: My All-Time Top 10 Posts

I have not done a Top 10 post in a while, so I thought I would catch up. The following Christian business posts are my most popular so far, since the beginning of the blog! I hope you will check out the ones you don’t recognize and let me know what you think!

Christian business

Top 10 Christian Business Posts

1. Why I Decided To Walk Away From The Family Business…
This one is close to my heart because it is truly what started all of this. Interestingly enough, this post received more than three times as much traffic as #2. It has been the top post every time I have ranked them. It was certainly a turning point in my life – one I will never forget.

2. Pursue The Gifts You Have, Not The Ones You Want!
This is a great post about embracing our God-given gifts. This post received more comments than any of the others on this list.

3. Reason 2 of 5 To Run Your Business According To Your Faith
In this post, I look at how the Greatest Commandment(s) relate to our business purposes. This really hits at the core of what drives my efforts in business.

4. 10 Warning Signs You Are Not A Good Leader (Part 1)
I think we have all tripped over one or more of these at one time or another! Make sure to read “Part 2” as well! How many did you recognize?

5. Taking Action: Owners Manual For Life!
Here I describe one of the various methods our company employs to do ministry in the course of doing business. I also explained how I was heeding my own advice to just take action!

6. Why Acknowledge Christ In Christmas?
As a result of a friend sharing a video with me, I ran a Christ-centered TV ad leading up to Christmas. I posted about this video and the bigger issue of acknowledging Christ in Christmas.

7. Is Lack Of Excellence Excusable In Christian Business?
Too many Christian business people think mediocrity is excusable because they get a pass for being a Christian. Too many consumers get nervous when they find a Christian business because they are sure the service or product will be poor. Is this really acceptable?

8. How To Create A Life Plan Document
If you do not have one, in any shape or form, then you need to read this post. You are missing out on some serious impact and influence without one.

9. Reconcile And Forgive Immediately!
This was the fifth post in a series on character issues for leaders. I confessed my own struggles in this area as well.

10. Do You Have A Strategic Plan…For Ministry?
Just like #8, if you do not have one, you need it. We often make strategic plans for our businesses, but very few do the same for their ministry impact. Read this post and get started!

Did you see a post you missed?

What was your favorite? Why?

If you have a blog, what has been your most popular post? Sound off!

Anger Is Inevitable – Is It Sin?

Just over a week ago, I posted Don’t Do These 7 Things When You Are Angry. In a comment/question, Kari Scare asked what we ARE supposed to do when we are angry. Because she is a successful writer and blogger at Struggle To Victory, I asked her to guest post for me on the answer to her own question! The following is her guest post on anger management. Please make sure to let her know how much you enjoyed the post by commenting at the bottom!


Anger is Inevitable, But Not Sin

Anger is inevitable. This is especially true the more we interact with others, such as daily at work or with our families at home. Even Jesus got angry (Matthew 21:12-13), and the Old Testament provides many references to God’s anger.

Anger is not a sin; the key is to avoid sinning when angry. Having a plan for when anger hits not only provides a way to avoid sin, but it also allows for self-control to increase as we choose to not “give full vent” to our anger (Proverbs 29:11). The Bible also indicates that we must also control or limit (Ecclesiastes 7:9 and Proverbs 14:17) and even get rid of our anger (Colossians 3:8, Ephesians 4:31-32).

I remember a time in my life when my temper easily flared, and I was known for being somewhat volatile. If God hadn’t taught me how to control and even how to eliminate anger, I would have continued believing this was simply “the way that I am” with no hope for change. Yet, He did work in my life in this way.

5 Steps To Control & Prevent Anger

The following 5 suggestions for how to control and prevent anger stem directly from that struggle:

1. Keep from getting angry in the first place.

    Sort of a preventative maintenance approach, avoiding getting angry seems difficult when the response comes so naturally. Yet, this can be achieved by staying grounded in the Word and by keeping short accounts with other and with God.

    In other words, deal with issues while they are still small. The bigger a conflict becomes, the more overwhelming it feels, and the more likely anger will rise up.

2. Deal with root cause issues.

    Usually, anger stems from a deep-seeded issue that an individual has failed to deal with and overcome. Anger also often results from feeling a lack of control over circumstances. Coming to terms with and understanding those issues can help curb and even eliminate angry outbursts.

3. Realize you don’t know the whole story.

    When another person feeds your anger by their attitudes, actions or words, try to remember that when others treat you wrong, it’s usually more (if not totally) about them and not about you.

    You may never know the root cause of their behavior, but you can avoid letting it negatively impact yours. Chances are you don’t know the whole story, so err on the side of grace when dealing with others.

4. Be aware not only of words spoken but the tone used.

    Proverbs 15:1 says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” A gentle answer often includes saying less, but always includes a tone that calms and soothes rather than agitates and fuels the fire.

    Personally, I find that gentle answers come more easily the more I listen. So, the less I speak and the more I seek to understand, the more gentle my words become.

5. Get and use wisdom.

    The Bible instructs says “discretion” makes a man “slow to anger” and better able to overlook hurts from others (Proverbs 19:11). Discretion means “the power or right to decide or act according to one’s own judgment.” Acting based on sound judgment means thinking before acting or speaking, and the result is that anger automatically subsides.

    Having wisdom means listening more and truly hearing what others say. It means avoiding those who struggle controlling their anger or who seem to provoke you easily. Wisdom means knowing when to walk away, to stay well-rested, and to avoid those blood-sugar highs and lows that make emotions difficult to manage. Pursue wisdom, and anger will begin to subside.

Don’t Just Eliminate Bad Habits..?

Whenever we eliminate bad habits, only getting rid of the negative creates a weak defense. When the opportunity presents itself to employ that habit, not having an alternative can spell certain disaster. God has a way of testing us in areas in which we are trying to mature and grow, which is helpful since that’s really the only way we’ll grow.

To properly prepare for this future challenge, the negative must be replaced with positive. In other words, simply getting rid of my anger and bad temper was not enough. I needed to replace it with another “go to” response. But what response?

The Bible’s Answer!

We find the answer in Colossians 3:8 & 12, which tell us to “put aside anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive language” and to replace them with “compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” As the fruit of the Spirit increase in our lives, their counterparts will naturally decrease. Avoid having an empty house that will be “worse than the first” if left untended (Luke 11:24-26).

Today, I can happily say that anger no longer controls me. While I do get angry once in a while, the above lessons serve to prevent and often eliminate anger, and suggestions such as those found in Don’t Do These 7 Things When You Are Angry help keep me from sinning when I am angry. No, my score is still not 100% in controlling my anger, but it sure improves as I deliberately and intentionally employ the instruction the Bible gives for managing anger.

What do you do to manage your anger?

Have you replaced any bad anger habits with good ones?

If you are still struggling with anger, what are you going to change?

Please leave comments to let Kari know how good this post was! You can read more from Kari at her blog – Struggle to Victory.

Ministry Action: Resource Library for Employees

Do You Have A Resource Library…?

As a Christian business owner or leader, you are most likely a life-long learner. Whether you read books, blogs, and magazines or listen to podcasts or other audio materials, you most likely consume teaching resources on a regular basis. You may even have your own resource library. I bet you consider the expense of learning to be necessary – just a part of being a leader.

resource library

…For Employees?

My question is this – do you give your employees the same opportunity? Have you even thought about this? Obviously you see the benefit of constant reading and learning for your own growth. Don’t you think the same is true for your employees or team members?

ministry actionWhat I am suggesting here is not a program that forces them to read. I am not talking about forcing them to do anything.

First, it may be that no one else has ever before emphasized to them the importance of reading. Their lack of reading could also come from a lack of the financial resources. Regardless, for those that see the benefits of continuous learning, you can certainly offer your support.

Recently, I posted about easy ways to do Christian ministry in the course of doing business. Now I am about to add another one – a resource library for your employees. There is nothing complicated about doing this at all. In fact, it may be easier than you think.

How To Set Up A Resource Library

Here are some of the steps we went through to set up our resource library:

    1. Decide where you will locate it.

      It needs to give them easy access while also being monitored so it does not turn into a hide-out or junk collection point.

    2. Decide who will approve the material and the guidelines they will use.

      Depending on your purpose, you need to make sure there are guidelines for what you will and will not include. Our guideline is simple – it must not conflict with our mission statement.

    3. Decide how it will be funded.

      We fund ours through the business, but I am sure you could come up with any number of ways to raise the money to make this happen.

    4. Solicit book donations.

      Allow your employees to bring some of their favorite books and materials and donate them or loan them to the resource library. They need to understand the risk of loss, but most are fine with this.

    5. Begin with basic materials.

      I would suggest you start with your own books – those fitting the overall purpose – and then adding those resources you think will meet the basic needs of your people.

    6. Accept requests from employees.

      In the event an employee sees a book they would like to read, have them submit a request for it. If it fits your criteria, buy the book and add it to the resource library.

    7. Add your own twists.

      a. We stock several translations of the Bible. In the event an employee wants a Bible, we will buy it for them. In this case, they get to sample the various translations and choose one they like. This is one book they do not have to return to the resource library. It is theirs to keep.
      b. We also stock multiple copies of several more popular books. We encourage the employees to share these copies with anyone they meet that is interested. This is especially true with the Christian books.

As a reference only (not necessarily a guide), the following is an estimate of the mix we currently have in our resource library.

resource library resource library

Do your employees have access to a resource library?

How hard would it be to establish one for them?

What benefits do you think you would see?

Christian Business: 7 Easy Ways To Integrate Faith And Work

Christian businessI am a strong believer in the great need for Christian business owners and leaders to begin integrating their Christian faith and their businesses. I do not think enough people are thinking this way, so I write this blog in an effort to get the message out.

As part of this effort, I often include practical ways to do ministry in the normal course of doing business. The following is a list of 7 easy ways to get started. Each item on this list is something we are already doing and is further described in separate post. The link to each post is included in each brief description. At the end of this list, I will tell you how to find another 101 ideas!

7 Easy Ways To Integrate Faith and Work

1. Christian mission statement

    This is so crucial that it really should be the first thing you do. A mission statement that acknowledges your business as a Christian business not only tells others what you are about, but also serves to keep you on track for years to come. Read more here – Mission Statement – Step 1 in a Strategic Ministry Plan.

2. Impact Fund

    Your employees will get into the giving spirit if you lead the way. Creating a fund that allows them to support their co-workers in times of need is a huge opportunity to lead. They will surprise you with their response! Read more here – How Could a Business Help with Employee Hardship?.

3. Gospels in the lounge

    You do not have to hit people over the head with the Gospel to spread it as a Christian business. Simply placing these simple Gospel messages in your customer areas is a great way to sow seeds. Let God do the rest. Read more here – Ministry Action: Gospels in the Lounge.

4. Employee Newsletter

    Communication is critical for any business. This is especially true for a Christian business. You can easily improve your company-wide communication through the use of a company newsletter. Using even the simplest of newsletters to convey a Biblical message or promote Christian values can bear fruit. Read more here – Advice from Coach Wooden.

5. Message at company gatherings

    Company gatherings, such as Christmas parties, can be an excellent opportunity for the Christian business owner or leader to reinforce the mission of the company. An easy way to do this is to carve out 10-15 minutes or so and tell a story or interesting illustration that conveys the Gospel message. While the first time may be uncomfortable, God will honor your efforts. Read more here – Christ and the Company Christmas Party.

6. Message to customers

    Different companies will have varying opportunities to share the Gospel with customers. For us, including a copy of the New Testament, with a cover that reads “Owner’s Manual For Life”, in the glove box of every car we sell seemed like an easy way to accomplish this. Read more here – Taking Action: Owner’s Manual for Life.

7. Chaplain program

Don’t Delay!

You should have no excuses to delay. Pick one or two ideas to get started, grab a couple of your key people to help, and lay out your plan. I promise you will not regret taking action!

Do you see any ideas you can implement immediately?

What can you add to the list?

What results have you seen from your efforts?

Do You Make These 9 Christian Leadership Mistakes?

Over the past seven months, I have been telling you about the various actions you should take in order to run your business based on your Christian faith. I have discussed behaviors and attitudes you need to exemplify if you want to excel in Christian leadership. I have even given you tips on Christian ministry projects you should consider.

Christian leadership

Christian Leadership Contradictions

Too often, I hear about (or even witness) professing believers in Christian leadership positions who are behaving in a way that contradicts their words. Worse, some of these leaders are getting caught in compromising situations or scandals that end with them being removed from their Christian leadership positions.

The fallout from these situations is disastrous. Not only is their career often ruined, but the damage done to those following them is incalculable. The wounds can last for years. I have seen it firsthand.

Something Worse

As bad as these events can be, I think there could be something worse. Consider the 30-40 year career of someone in business. Assume they profess to be a Christian and hold a significant leadership role or even own the business. Potentially, their eternal impact could be tremendous – in a positive or negative way.

Now picture that nothing happens like I described above. They do not get caught in a situation that ruins their career. There is no “Evening News” expose` that causes their reputation to come crashing down. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Something Missing

Unfortunately, I think you could be missing something. Instead of a sudden explosion causing the damage, there is something going on that could cause just as much damage, if not more, over the long haul. Rather than doing anything extreme, they are simply not walking their talk.

From a distance, this person looks like a model citizen. They talk about their faith and preach to those around them about integrity and other Christian values. Their motives are even good. For these reasons, they are more likely to stay in this damaging position for a longer period of time.

But instead of living out what they are saying, they are making some crucial mistakes. Unfortunately, these mistakes, when made over time from a position of Christian leadership, can have devastating effects on those who are close enough to see the truth.

Higher Standard

See, as Christian leaders, we are held to a higher standard. More is expected of us. Right or wrong, when we make mistakes, the price is higher. When we step out and declare our faith in Jesus, we associate our name with His name. We tag His reputation with ours.

Then, when we make mistakes and live in a way that does not reflect God’s love to those around us, we run the risk of turning people away from Him. Even though we may not blow up our reputation with a single news-worthy event, we can do just as much harm. The only difference is that it is spread out over a longer period of time.

What Does Jesus Say?

I promise you, Jesus is crystal clear on what He thinks of this kind of behavior.

But whoever causes the downfall of one of these little ones who believe in Me — it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depths of the sea!
Matthew 18:6

Common Christian Leadership Mistakes

Rather than complain about the too-frequent public scandals, let’s do something about our own contributions to Christian leadership. Take a look at the following list of common mistakes made by leaders like us. Then let’s commit together that we are going to live the faith we claim.

    1. Pray before meetings, curse afterwards

    2. Tell crude, off-color jokes or laugh at those that do

    3. Preach about faith, panic when stressed

    4. Tell someone you will pray for them, forget about it

    5. Promote forgiveness, carry grudges

    6. Require accountability, fail to acknowledge your own mistakes

    7. Expect loyalty, treat the employees like numbers

    8. Demand integrity, cheat on your taxes

    9. Talk about family values, but encourage workaholism

Take Action

I would suggest reading through this list a couple of times. Make sure that you ask God to search your heart and reveal to you any inconsistencies between your words and actions. Then share your findings with someone you can trust to hold you accountable to changing.

Do you agree with a higher standard for Christian leadership?

Do you make any of these mistakes?

Which mistake do you need to work on first?

What Must Tiger Woods Do To Win The Masters?

Last week, Tiger Woods pulled off his first win in more than 30 months. After a series of life storms have blown through his life over the past couple of years, it was good to see Tiger get his groove back. While I am not a golf expert, I know there is one thing Tiger accomplished in this past tournament that he must do again if he wants to win the Masters in Augusta next week.

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods Fan?

Whether you are a Tiger fan or not, you have to admit it is more fun to watch a golf tournament when he is playing than when he is not. He just has a quality that raises the playing level of all those around him. There is more pressure, more suspense, and more excitement when he is in the hunt.

So what is it that Tiger Woods did that allowed him to win last week? What must he do to win the Masters?

Show up.

Now hold on a minute…don’t look at me like that! I know this seems obvious, but I really do have a point. Not only that, this point applies to every one of us.

You Must Show Up To Win

Quite simply, there is no way to win at golf if you do not show up. You must first show up for practice. Then you must show up for the tournament. You must show up for every tee time, regardless of how you played the day before. You must show up to every tee box, even if the last three drives have gone in the water. You must show up for every shot even if your back or knee has started to ache.

I think you get the point…while it is a simple idea, it is not easy.

We Must Show Up

The same is true for us. As Christian business leaders, we know there are going to be things that go wrong. We know there is an enemy. We know that not everyone will support our positions. We know that some of our best efforts will result in delayed rewards.

And yet, we cannot forget that we are called to keep showing up. God knows our frustrations. He sees our disappointments. He feels our pains. Even so, He expects us to continue to show up.

We Get The Crown

See, He knows that if we will continue to show up for the race, we will eventually get the crown. Now only does he know this, He promises it to us in His Word (2 Timothy 4:1-8). He knows it is difficult, but He also promised that He will be with us through it all (Matthew 28:20).

Additional Benefits

There are other benefits to showing up that we sometimes overlook. I am not sure Tiger Woods even recognizes this. One additional benefit is in the impact it has on our followers. Folks, when you continue to show up day after day, despite the headwinds and pitfalls, your followers will notice. Not only do they notice, they draw strength from it and seek to emulate it.

This does not only affect your followers. Those you serve, especially the least of these, feel a sense of acceptance when you continue to show up. This acceptance may have escaped them their entire lives.

Jim Reese talked at Catalyst about how many of those served by Atlanta Mission have experienced a life of people failing to show up. It could have been parents that disappeared or well-meaning volunteers that failed to show back up after the first couple of visits.

Keep Showing Up

Regardless of how or why, Reese told leaders that we too often underestimate the impact we can have by simply continuing to show up. Like Reese, I want to encourage you to keep showing up.

Times will get tough and situations will not go your way. Do not give up. Remember that if you want to win like Tiger Woods, you must continue to show up!

Have you been consistent in showing up?

Have you seen benefits to showing up?

Where do you need encouragement to show up?

Tortoise and the Hare

A Friend’s Transformation

A very good friend of mine recently started working on his own blog. Well, let me put it this way…he is finding out how much he has to learn about the technical aspects of building a blog, website, and the like! He is in the middle of the process and realizes he drastically underestimated the learning curve.


At the same time, I know he will come out on the other end of this process with a successful blog. I know this because I have watched him do the same thing in other areas of his life. Before I tell you more about his story, let me tell you what has been on my mind as of late.

Dave Ramsey’s Recommendation

Dave Ramsey, in his recent book EntreLeadership, talked about a great business book someone had recommended he read. Ramsey, like me, loves to read great business books and then apply the truths learned in his own business.

In this case, the recommendation came from a billionaire (that’s a “B”) in business. When someone with this track record recommends a book, you should listen. So, what was the title of the book?

Tortoise [title color=”red-vibrant” align=”scmgccenter” font=”georgia” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-1em”]The Tortoise and the Hare![/title]

That’s right! Aesop’s fable The Tortoise and the Hare is at the top of a billionaire’s business reading list. In fact, he told Ramsey that he reads it to his top people every year! Evidently, he sees some value in the book, right? As for me, that is enough reason to take time to study it.

Learning From The Tortoise

So, study it I have. And while the moral of the story is simple – Slow and steady wins the race, it is not necessarily common. In fact, I would go as far as to say it flies in the face of the majority of what I see around me today.

In my business, and likely yours as well, the common focus is on 30-day or quarterly results. If you cannot produce results in the immediate future, then you likely won’t have a job for long. Most people just don’t work and wait for long-term results anymore.

Spiritual Hares?

This is not only true in business, but in virtually all facets of life. Take our spiritual lives. How many times have you gone to a conference (like Promise Keepers) or a revival and come away feeling like you are on the mountaintop? We all have! And we have all wished we could stay there.

Even Peter felt this way in Matthew 17:4. We all have a natural desire to rush to the top of the mountain and stay there. We want quick and easy and our society shows it. We are certainly paying the price for this mindset.

Solution: Tortoise Game Plan

So what is the solution? The game plan of the tortoise! Spiritually, it is a daily quiet time and consistent prayer and Bible study that, over time, gets the best results. In business, it is Biblical principles applied on a consistent basis with hard work and persistence.

My Friend’s Decision

Back to my friend with the upcoming blog. The reason I know he will be successful is that I have watched him change his entire being over the past 14 months. You see, at the end of 2010, he weighed 300 lbs. and was drinking heavily on a daily basis. He was a believer, but there was no real evidence of his faith.

And yet, one day he just decided he wanted to be someone different. Actually, he realized he was someone different and wanted to go back to who he really was – to who God created him to be. So he changed everything.

Tortoise Transformation

He did not buy a lottery ticket. He did not go to the internet and research the best pill for weight loss. He did not order the Hawaii chair.

Instead, he stopped drinking. Cold. He stopped eating junk and began eating healthy. He started exercising. Regularly.

Now this sounds too easy. It sounds a little too perfect. Maybe, but it is true. I watched him do it. His solution was not an instant one. Nor was it an easy one. It took him a lot of sweat and tears…literally. But he made it. He made it with tortoise-like persistence.

Now, 14 months later, he has lost 115 lbs. and has not had a drop of alcohol since that day. He has participated in multiple triathlons and has a 5 year plan to do the Ironman. He is also spiritually awake and growing each day.

Same Solution

For his blog, the solution is the same. He needs to keep hammering away at the process of learning this new skill. He will most likely not see overnight success in his blog. But if he stays the course and progresses a little each day, he will come out with something he can be proud of.

For now, I am proud of his progress. We can all draw inspiration from his example. When his blog is ready to go live, I will have him guest post and let you get a taste of what makes him tick!

Where are you trying to be the Hare?

Have you seen success with the Tortoise game plan?

Where do you need to be like the tortoise?

Why Do Business From An Eternal Perspective?

Healthy Debate

I had a great meeting this past week at C12. We discussed challenges that we are all facing in regards to trying to run our businesses according to our Christian faith. The funny thing is that even within a group like this, opinions can differ. While there is a part of all of us that wants everyone to agree with us, I know that is not possible – or healthy. Engaging in healthy debate, even about things like eternal perspective, is a great way to grow.

eternal perspective

As I attempted to explain my beliefs regarding how we should run our businesses from an eternal perspective, I realized I have never formally prepared a well-thought-out, Scripture-supported basis for my position. I have certainly studied verses and passages that have led me to believe, and therefore act, the way I do. What I have not done is to lay out my beliefs in an organized argument so that I can respond appropriately when asked about my “Why?”

My Project

So, I am going to work on this. I will give you a few of my thoughts in this post, but I promise to come back later with the results of my work. I cannot promise a bullet-proof thesis, but I will present my prayed-over thoughts in a way that you can understand and validate through Scripture.

I do not expect everyone to stop, applaud, and agree with me on every point. As I said before, that is not reasonable. However, I do hope to spur you on to do some of your own thinking. I hope to encourage you to think about the Scriptural basis for what you do. For now, I just want to pique your interest a little and hopefully get some feedback and/or suggestions.

Applying Scripture

First, I realize that it is not necessarily wise (with some possible exceptions) to take one verse, or even passage, and base all of your beliefs on it. An understanding of the whole of Scripture is most often needed before trying to apply single verses or passages to your life. It is for this reason that I have several verses that come to my mind when I start thinking about why I run my business from an eternal perspective.

Basis For Eternal Perspective

Having said that, if there is one central Scripture to my beliefs in the area of doing business from an eternal perspective, it is the following passage from the Apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians.

If anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay, or straw, each one’s work will become obvious, for the day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire; the fire will test the quality of each one’s work. If anyone’s work that he has built survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned up, it will be lost, but he will be saved; yet it will be like an escape through fire. 

1 Corinthians 3:11-15

I did an earlier post on this passage, and I talked about those temporal things so many of us pursue to one degree or another. All of these will burn in the fire mentioned by Paul above. I, for one, do not want to spend my life working for anything that will only last for a short time. I would much rather be focused on producing fruit that will not rot – that will last for eternity.

What Will Survive The Fire?

See, the way I look at this passage, the only things that we can build while we are here on earth that will last beyond our lives here are not things we can touch. Anything I can physically touch will be burned up in the fire. I cannot think of a single item that will not burn up in the fire.

On the other hand, those relationships we build will last. The memories we have will last. The souls we pointed toward a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will survive the fire. While the businesses we operated will burn, the impact that we had through our businesses will last.

Methods Vary

Obviously, the way we choose to impact others will depend on the way God designed us and the choices we make. Some may impact others through teaching, others may choose serving. There will be those who give and those who comfort. God wired each of us differently.

However, while the method can vary, the fire will not. It will be the same test for all of us. No one is exempt from the testing fire. If that is truly the case, then I think it makes the most sense for us to focus our energies on maximizing our efforts in areas that will produce fire-proof, eternal fruit.

My Application

For me, that means I make every effort to run my business in a way that produces the eternal fruit, not the kind that will rot or burn.

As I said before, stay tuned for a more detailed and organized argument for doing business from an eternal perspective. If you have any feedback either way, please submit it! I would love to have perspectives from other people. When possible, tell me the Scripture on which you are basing your belief.

Have you thought through why you do business the way you do?

Is your motivation based on Scripture or something else?

What do you think will last through the fire?